Submitter: Nadine A. Hardin
Name: Donald Eugene Peltz
South Bend Tribune: April 27, 1926
<2 articles>
Surnames mentioned: Peltz
South Bend Tribune, The Mortuary Record; Tuesday,
April 27, 1926, p. 5.
Donald Eugene Peltz.
Donald Eugene Peltz, age two months, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peltz, Ardmore, died this morning at 12:50
o'clock after an illness of two days from pneumonia. He was
born in Portage township, Feb. 24, 1926, and is survived by three
sisters, Betty Jane, Hazel, and Evelyn, and one brother, Edward,
all at home. The funeral will be held at the residence
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. B. Rosemurgy, pastor of St.
Paul's Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial
will be in Highland cemetery.
Indiana South Bend Tribune, Funeral Notes; Wednesday,
April 28, 1926.
Funeral services for Donald Eugene Peltz
were held this morning at 10 o'clock in the residence. Burial
was in Highland cemetery.