Submitted by: Todd Nowicki


Nowicki, Gorney, Niezgodski, Otolski, Henderson, Witucki

Mrs. Magdalen Nowicki: (South Bend Tribune 1/27/1955)

Mrs. Magdalen Nowicki died at 11:55 a.m. Wednesday in the home of her son Alex, 2518 W. Linden Ave. Born in South Bend May 22, 1880, she had lived here all her life. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Marie Gorney, Mrs. Lottie Niezgodski and Mrs. Stella Otolski; four sons, Anthony, Casimir, Frank and Alex, all of South Bend; a brother, Joseph Henderson, Fort Wayne, Ind.; 15 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Friends may call after 5 p.m. Friday in St. Joseph Funeral Chapel. The funeral will be held at 9 p.m. Monday in St. Casimir’s Catholic Church with Rev. Casimir J. Witucki, C.S.C., pastor, officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph Polish Cemetery.