Submitted by: Georgia Gill-Elkins
Martin, Dare
South Bend Tribune June 27, 1920 page 1 / 13
Gordon Martin Is Drowned In
Tries to Recover Fish Pole In Water
First Victim is Claimed for 1920- Physcican
Uses Pulmotor to No Effort
Gordon Martin,
aged 13, sone of Mrs. Cleo Dare, 318 East Marion Street, fell in
the north race at the plant of the Rubber Regenerating company
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock while fishing. His fish pole fell in
the water and while trying to recover it he lost his balance and
fell in. A young boy companion was so frightened by the accident
that he ran away. Predestrians on the north side of the river
witnessed the accident and immediatley notified the police. The
body was in the water but 15 minutes and a physician worked
half an hour over the boy with the pulmotor without success.
The boy is survived by his mother; one brother,
Ralph Martin, and one half-brother, Edward Dare. The funeral will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock fromthe F.E. Coats Funeral
Home. Burial wil be in North Liberty cemetery.