Submitted by: John C. Monk
Mrs, Melissa Lowrey, seventy-nine years old, widow of Benjamin Lowrey, died Tuesday at 110 East. Oakside street, South Bend, where she lived with her daughter, Miss Blanche Lowrey. She had been in failing health for several years and was bedfast during the last five months. Mrs. Lowrey was formerly Malissa Balsley. daughter of. John and Dorcas (Fisher) Balsley, She was born in Marshall county March 28, 1868, and was married to Benjamin Lowrey of Lakeville, who died in 1913. She had lived in South Bend for about sixty years. Surviving are four daughters; Blanche, with whom she lived; Mrs. Raymond Denilow, Penn township; St. Joseph county; Mrs. Doroaa Hanna, South Bend; and Mrs. Homer Barren,, Mishawaka. Mrs. George Huff of near Bremen is a sister and there are three brothers, Edward Balsley of Plymouth, Elmer of Bremen, and William of near Lakeviile. There are seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 oclock at the A. M. Russell chapel on West Jefferson street, South Bend. Friends may call there until the time of the services. Rev. C. A. Sickafoolie of River Park will officiate and burial will be in Southlawn cemetery.
Obituary: South Bend Tribune, Nov. 19, 1947