Submitted by: Todd Nowicki


Kowaleska, Lesek, Reiter, Nadolny, Urbanski, Jasinski, Swaintkowski
Mrs. Agnes Kowaleska: (South Bend Tribune 9/17/1920)
Mrs. Agnes Kowaleska, 55 years old, wife of Jozef Kowalewski, of Crumstown, this county, died Thursday after a week’s illness following an operation. Surviving are her husband and eight children, Jozef jr., Wincenty, Lillian and Myrtle Kowaleska, and Mrs. Mary Lesek, all of Crumstown; Mrs. Agnes Reiter and Mrs. Kate Nadolny, of this city; and Mrs. Jane Urbanski, R.R. 1; and two brothers, Jozef Jasinski, of Niles, Mich., and Jakub Jasinski, of Crumstown. Mrs. Kowaleska was born in Poland, April 25, 1865, and came to this country in 1871. She has lived in this county since that time, 49 years. The funeral will be held Monday morning at ??? o’clock, standard time at St. Stanislaus’ Catholic church. Rev. Father Swaintkowski officiating.