Submitted by: Suzanne Weiser
South Bend Tribune, Friday, May 22, 1914.
Samuel A Kline, aged 59 years, died last night at 8:25 o'clock at
his home at 831 Vistula Avenue. Death followed an illness of two
months with a complication of diseases. Mr. Kline, who was a
traveling salesman, had lived in South Bend all his life, having
been born here Jan. 22, 1855 he was married Dec 3, 1879, in
Dixon, Ill to Miss Eva C. Moyer, who survives him, together with
two daughters, Miss Marguerite Kline and Mrs, Charles Slick, two
granddaughters, Mary Catherine Slick and Margaret Ann Slick, and
a brother, J. F. Kline, all of this city. The funeral will be
held Sunday Afternoon.