Submitted by: Dan Rich


Brother Marcellinus Kinsella CSC

1847 – July 29, 1914


Brother Marcellinus Kinsella CSC, 67, one of the most popular figures in Catholic educational services of the country, died yesterday at Notre Dame. At the time of his death he was professor of English in the High School at Notre Dame. As member at various times of the highest councils of the order he had occupied several positions of high honor and trust. At one time he was principal of Central Catholic High School in Fort Wayne, director of St. Columbkill’s College in Chicago, and for many years a professor in Sacred Heart College, Watertown, Wis. Brother Marcellinus had a wide popularity with the students with whom he came in contact, even to the alumni body at Chicago. He was known as one of the most interesting characters at the annual dinners given by the various organizations.


Before his entrance into the order Brother Marcellinus was known as Thomas J, Kinsella. He was born in Dubuque, Iowa in 1847, and had been connected with the order for about 40 years.


The funeral will be tomorrow in Sacred Heart Church at Notre Dame. High mass will be celebrated by Very Rev. Andrew Morrissey CSC, provincial of the Order of Holy Cross. Assisting will be two former students of Brother Marcellinus, Rev. Matthew Walsh CSC, vice president of the University, and Rev. Eugene Burke, professor of scripture at Holy Cross College, Washington. The sermon will be preached by Rev. P. J. Carroll CSC, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, an old friend of the deceased. Burial will be in the Community Cemetery on the campus.