Submitted by: Dan Rich


Sister Mary Catherine Kilkenny CSC

About 1830 – Arp. 12, 1914


South Bend Tribune 8/13/1914

Sister Mary Catherine CSC, 84, died Sunday morning at St. Mary’s. Her worldly name was Miss Anne Kilkenny. She had been ill for several years, and death was caused by old age. She was one of the nursing sisters sent into the army by St. Mary’s at the time of the civil war. She was one of the first to offer her services when the war broke out, and she served for four years, being stationed at Memphis, Tenn.; Paducah, Ky.; and Cairo, Ill. She was born in Letrim, Ireland and came to America when a child.


The funeral will be tomorrow at 7 a.m. at St. Mary’s and burial will be in the community cemetery.