Submitted by: Dan Rich


Sister Mary Hyacintha Kelly CSC

1859 – May 8, 1930


South Bend Tribune 5/9/1930 (Excerpts)

Funeral services for Sister Mary Hyacintha CSC, 71, died Tuesday, were held this morning at 9 a.m. in the Church of Loretto, St. Mary’s. Sister Hyacintha was Catherine Kelly before she entered th convent in 1877. She was born in Waterviet, Mich. in 1859. After she professed in 1881, she was sent on mission to Salt Lake City, Utah, and later to Los Angeles, Calif.


She had been at St. Mary’s 18 years, during which time she designed missals and did various art work for the churches. She recently finished the missal sent by the Klenberger family to the Holy Father to be used at the opening of the congress in Carthage. The missal was used for the first time Thursday morning, the day of her death. An account of the missal with photographs of it appeared several weeks ago in the Tribune. It was considered one of the most beautiful works of Sister Hyacintha.