Submitted by Georgia Gill-Elkins

Kelly, Woodruff, Tanner, Worden, Hawkins, Weesner, Hutchinson, Spake, Saltzberger.

South Bend Tribune Sept. 9, 1931 2 p.10  

Civil War Vet Dies At Age 90
Martin VanBuren Kelly
Succumbs; Lived Here 12 Years.
Martin Van Buren Kelly, age, 90, civil war veteran, who served in company C., third Iowa cavalry, died at 7:40 o'clock Tuesday night in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodruff, 617 Fairmount avenue.  

He was born in Frankton, Ind., Sept. 22, 1841, and moved to Mishawaka 12 years ago from Lafayette, Ind. He was a carpenter until age forced him to retire.  

In addition to Mrs. Woodruff, he is survived by three sons, Melvin Kelly, Mishawaka, James Kelly, Bug Rapids, Mich., and Carl Kelly, Battle Ground, Ind.  

The body may be viewed in Sprague chapel until the hour of the services from the chapel Friday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, the rites in charge of the Salvation army. Burial will be made in Fairview Cemetery, members of the American Legion, Mishawaka post, No. 161, serving as pallbearers.  

South Bend Tribune Sept. 11, 1931 2 p. 9  

Hold Military Rites for Kelly
     Military rites for Martin Van Buren Kelly, 90 year-old veteran of the Civil war who died Tuesday in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodruff, 617 Fairmount avenue, were hold from Sprague chapel this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, under auspices of Mishawaka post No. 161, American legion.   

Ensign Annabelle Tanner, of the Salvation Army, had charges of the sermon. Burial was mode in Fairview Cemetery with the following legion members serving as pallbearers; Glen Worden, Clyde Hawkins, Russell Weesner, Matthew Hutchinson, Vilde Spake and R. Saltzberger. Taps and a firing squad salute completed services at the grave.