Submitted by Georgia Gill-Elkins
South Bend Tribune 6/25/1923  sec 1 p. 1
                                      6/26/1923  sec 1 p. 5

Hershberg Takes Life With Poison
Trouble With Wife End In Death
Attempts to effect Reconciliation Fails

     Five tablets of strychnine filled Charles  Hershberg, age 31, today.
     He died shortly after one o'clock in the  Epworth hospital, where he had
been taken by the police, who were called to his  residency by his wife.
     Information gathered by the police is to the  effect that there had been
trouble between Mr. and Mrs. Hershberg for some time,  and that he had been
living away from home for three weeks. Mrs. Hershberg, the  police were told,
had applied over a week ago for a divorce. This morning Mr.  Hershberg appeared
at the home and attempted to effect a reconciliation, and  failing, swallowed
the tablets.

Funeral Notes

     The funeral of Charles Hershberg, 1110  Woodward Avenue, who died Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock at Epworth hospital soon  after taking five tablets of
strychnine with suicidal intent, was held this  afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
Forest Hay Funeral home. Burial was in the Jewish  Orthodox cemetery.