Submitted by: Dan Rich


Sister M. Edith Hayes CSC

About 1870 - Feb. 7, 1937


South Bend Tribune 2/8/1937

Sister M. Edith CSC, 67, one of the best known St. Mary’s College officials among alumnae throughout her 45 years as a member of the religious community, died at 10:30 o’clock Saturday night in St. Mary’s infirmary. She had been ill a week with pneumonia. She was Miss Alice Hayes of San Francisco before she accepted the religious habit 45 years ago. She spent many years in the students’ office at the college as greater of arriving students. She also had been in charge of alumnae records and the college library. At the time of her death she served in the academy library. She was probably best known as director of transportation of Holy Cross sisters to missions and vacation courses, handling the railway itinerary of hundreds of the nuns. She was known to railway men throughout the United States for her businesslike methods. She was survived by a sister, Sister M. Dositheus CSC, former superior of Sacred Heart Academy in Ogden, Utah, who herself is ill at Ogden, Utah


The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 p.m. in Our Lady of Loretto Church at St. Mary’s with burial in the community cemetery.