Submitted by: Dan Rich
Sister Mary Una Garrity CSC
1883 May 22, 1965
South Bend Tribune 5/23/1965
Sister Mary Una CSC, 82, former
provincial superior of the Sisters of Holy Cross, Midwest
Province, died Saturday in Saint Marys Convent after a long
illness. She had served as provincial superior from 1942 to 1943d
from 1945 to 1951. During the interim she was superior at St.
Cecelia in Washington DC. She was born Helen Garrity in
1853 in Chatsworth, Ill. After attending schools in Chatsworth
she entered the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1906, and in 1906
she received the habit of the Congregation. She made her
professional vows in 1908. During her community life she taught
at St. Pauls Academy and Holy Cross Academy, both in
Washington DC; and was also superior at Woodstock, Ill.; New York
City; Lancaster, Pa. and Chicago. From 1957 to 1961 she was at
St. Joseph School in South Bend, retiring to the convent in 1961.
Services will be held Monday morning, with
burial in Our Lady of Peace Cemetery on the campus of St. Marys
College. Friends may call Sunday in the convent parlors.