Submitted by
Linda Braden Gray
The South Bend Tribune, Tuesday Evening, July 28, 1931, Page 8
Resident of City Since 1869 is Survived by Wife and Son and Daughter.
Solomon Fox, age 83, retired pioneer merchant, formerly of
the firm of
Fox & Baker, grocers, died at 8 o'clock this morning in his home 318
Main street, after an illness of a week. Death was caused by
resulting from heart trouble and general debility.
Mr. Fox first entered business in South Bend about 60 years
ago with the
late J. C. Knoblock when he established one of the first groceries in
Bend. The veteran merchant later affiliated with Frank M. Baker and
established a grocery at Washington and LaPorte avenues 58 years
ago. Mr. Fox was
with the firm for 41 years, retiring from business in 1914.
Mr. Fox was born at Nova, O., Oct. 25, 1848. He came
to South Bend in
1869 from Ashland, O., at the age of 21. He was married to Liesetta
June 6, 1877, daughter of the late William Knoblock, who survives
him. Mr.
Fox was active in affairs of the First Presbyterian church of which he
was a
former deacon for number of years.
Surviving besides the wife are a daughter, Mrs. Gust
Halvorsen of
Seattle, Wash., a son, Horace W. Fox, of South Bend; three grandchildren,
and John Fox, both of South Bend, and Elmer Lee Fox, Jr., of Heyward,
and the following brothers and sisters, Samuel Fox, Deer Creek, Okla.;
Mary Kline of Silverton, Ore., and Conrad Fox, of Argos, Ind.
Funeral Notes for Solomon Fox
The South Bend Tribune, July 29, 1931, Sec. 2, Page 6
Last rites for Solomon Fox, who died Tuesday morning at his
318 North Main street, will be held at the residence Thursday afternoon
at 4
o'clock with Rev. Gilbert S. Cox, D. D., of the First Methodist Episcopal
church, officiating. The body may be viewed at the residence
Interment will be in Riverview cemetery. Pallbearers will be Norman
Adler, Clifford
E. Ireland, J. Fred Christman, S. Rolland Dunnuck, Carl W. Ginz and Carl