Submitted by: Brenda Horton
Obituary for Albert Evans:
Albert Evans, 622 North Frances street, died at 8:15 a.m. today
in his residence after an illness since January. He was born in
Marshall county, Indiana, Oct. 24, 1866 and was employed by the
Singer Manufacturing company 61 years. His wife Minnie, is
deceased. Surviving are two children, Albert Jr. South Bend, and
Mrs. Edna Juntz, Detroit, Mich.; three grandchildren; seven great
grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Viola Axford, Niles, Mich.
Friends may call in the Orvis funeral home after 8 p.m. today
until funeral services there at 3 p.m. Saturday. Rev. John E.
Lantz, pastor of Lowell Heights Methodist church, will officiate.
Enterment will be in the mausolem in Highland cemetery. South
Bend Tribune, March 20, 1952