Submitted by: Dan Rich
Sarah Ann Eberhart
Jan. 28, 1829 Dec. 27, 1903
South Bend Tribune
Saturday, January 2, 1904
Mrs. Sarah Ann Eberhart, widow of Adolphus Eberhart, who
died June 2, 1893 and one of Mishawaka's oldest and well known
Christian women, passed away at 5:15 o'clock Sunday evening at
the family residence, 301 East Second street, aged 76 years. Mrs.
Eberhart had been ill with pneumonia for about one week and her
condition was considered critical almost from the first. She
passed away unconscious of pain and surrounded by her family.
Mrs. Eberhart was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Boyd.
She was born in Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 28, 1829 and came to
Mishawaka with her parents when six years old. She was united in
marriage with Adolphus Eberhart, on April 21, 1847. Eight
children were born to them, four of whom survive. They are Mrs.
R. S. Grimes, of Lincoln, Neb.; J. C. Eberhart, Jr., F. C.
Eberhart, Jr., and E. G. Eberhart, who occupy the positions of
treasurer, superintendent and president of the Mishawaka Woolen
Manufacturing company. One sister, Mrs. Margaret Sosserman,
and one brother, J. W. Boyd, reside in this city.
Mrs. Eberhart united with the M.E. church in early girlhood and
she remained true to the church of her choice. When her health
permitted she was a worker in the church and Sabbath school and
in the Women's Foreign and Home Missionary societies. Mrs.
Eberhart loved her home and there she reigned supreme. The
excellent God fearing manner in which she reared her family is a
living testimonial to her character and worth.
The remains laid in state Tuesday from 10 to 1:30 o'clock. At 2
o'clock and funeral was held from the residence, The Rev. C. W.
Smith, pastor of the M. E. church officiating. The
brothers-in-law, J. C. Eberhart, Sr., E. G. Eberhart, Sr., F. B.
Eberhart and the sons of the first two named, George Eberhart,
William Eberhart and Harry Eberhart acted as pallbearers. The
remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery