From Rick
"The South Bend Weekly
Tribune", March 19, 1898, page 7
Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Mary J. Duvall died at 12:15 o'clock Monday afternoon at the residence of
W. N. Lichtenberger, 723 East Elizabeth street, from childbirth. She was
born 33 years ago in Elkhart county. She leaves a husband, three brothers
and two sisters. The brothers are John Braginton, of Cherubusco, Ind., and
Henry and Harry Braginton, of South Bend. The sisters are Mrs. W. N.
Lichtenberger and miss Della Braginton, also of this city. The funeral
will take place from the Lichtenberger home at 2:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon
and the remains will be laid at rest in the Bowman cemetery. Rev. J. W.
Walker, pastor of Grace M. E. church, will officiate.