Submitted by: Dan Rich


Rev. Thomas C. Duffy CSC

Oct. 29, 1896 – Oct. 1, 1965


South Bend Tribune 10/2/1965

Rev. Thomas C. Duffy CSC, 68, chaplain of the Medical Missionary Sisters, Philadelphia, died Thursday in Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia. He was born Oct. 29, 1896 in Central Falls, R.I. He was ordained in Rome in 1927 and from 1927 to 1934 he was with the Holy Cross Fathers Mission Band, University of Notre Dame. When he left here he was made first superior of a new mission band at North Dartmouth, Mass. His brother Rev. Patrick Duffy CSC, was pastor of Christ the King Parish from 1948 to 1949 and also served as assistant pastor at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.


Burial will be in Community Cemetery in North Easton.