Submitted by: Georgia Gill-Elkins
South Bend Tribune July 30, 1926
Albert Donati Succumbs To Internal
Attempted to Make Turn on Miami Road,
South of City, at High Speed--Machine Kids and Turns Over.
Internal injuries received when
he was pinned beneath his roadster, Wednesday night, when it
turned over on a curve on the Miami road, south of South Bend,
resulted in the death of Albert Donati, age, 32, of 405 W. 10th
Street, Mishawaka, in St. Joseph's Hospital there shortly before
11 o'clock this morning.
After being taken to the
hospital Mr. Donati's condition was considered critical and it
was only occasionally that he showed signs of consciousness.
While he did not sustain skull fractures his internal injuries
were extensive.
The accident in which Mr.
Donati was injuries occurred at the southern end of the Miami
road, at the curve to the right, which leads into Lakeville, this
county. It is understood that Mr. Donati and several companions
were driving south and apparently failed to notice
the curve until to late to slacken their speed and in negotiating
the turn the car skidded on the pavement which was wet from a
fresh rain and turned over. It is believed that Mr. Donati was
It has been reported that
companions of the victim were two men. Another report has it that
he was accompanied by one man and two women, all on their way to
a dance at Riddle's lake, near Lakeville. However, it is certain
that there was no one else injured in the accident . When Mr.
Donati was brought to the hospital he was accompanied by a
man who did not give his name.
Mr. Donati made his
home with Mr. and Mrs. John Canacci at the Mishawaka address and
was employed in a factory there. He had lived in Mishawaka four
years, coming from Italy where he had lived for two years.
Nephew, Frank Ermeti, is Given Permanent
Parole by Gov.. Ed Jackson to Attend.
Ninety-four automobiles
lined the streets in the vicinity of St. Bavo's Roman Catholic
church and participated in the parade to St. Joseph's cemetery
Sunday afternoon during funeral services for Albert Donati, who
died in St. Joseph's hospital last Friday morning as the result
of an accident near Lakeville, this county, Wednesday night. The
funeral was one of the largest ever held in the west side.
Mr. Donati was very
well known among the Italian population of the city although his
only relative in this country was Frank Ermeti, a nephew, who was
given a permanent parole from the penal farm by Gov. Ed
Jackson to attend Donati's funeral. His sentence was to
expire in two or three weeks, it is said.
Rev. Achille Schockaert
officiated at the service in St. Bavo's church at 2:30 o'clock.
The body lay in the Liberty club, in the west side Saturday and
Sunday and was viewed by many friends. Mr. Donati leaves a
mother, Mrs. Theresa Donati, and fur sisters and one brother, all
in Italy. He had planned to visit them next spring, friends said.
He came to this country in
1912 from Italy. He was born there April 28, 1893.