From: Brigitte
Obituary : South Bend Tribune 7/31/1928
William Clem, Former School Official, Dies - Served as Treasurer of Education
Board For Eleven Years - Seriously Ill Four Months - Appointed County
Superintendent in 1897, Concluding Term in 1909.
William Clem, age 60 of 629 Cottage Grove Avenue, for a number of years
connected with the school system of South Bend and St Joseph Co, died this
morning at 1 o'clock in the Epworth Hospital after an illness of four
months. At the time of his death, Mr. Clem was cashier at the N.P.
Bowsher company, which position he had held for a number of years.
Mr. Clem was born in St Joseph Co, near Walkerton, March 30, 1868 and had spent
31 years of his life in South Bend. For a number of years he taught school and
was appointed county superintendant of schools in 1897 serving untill
1909. At one time he was in charge of the schools in Walkerton, this
County. He was appointed to the school board here by former Mayor Fred W.
Keller and was reappointed by Mayors F.R. Carson and Eli F. Seebert. He
was a republican and in replacing him by a democrat Mayor C.R. Montomery, the
present mayor, followed the usual custom in such matters.
Usually the offices on the school board are rotated among it's members but at
the request of other members of the board Mr. Clem retained the Treasureship
during 11 of his 12 years of service, devoting special attention to the
financial side of the school system although being thoroughly familiar with its
other aspects.
Surviving him are his widow, formerly Miss Carrie Hostetter, whom he married in
Walkerton, May 18, 1892; one son Frank Clem of Elizabeth NJ and five sisters
Mrs James Gorsline and Mrs. William Steel of Walkerton and Mrs. Mary Van
Winkle, Mrs. Charles Glassman and Mrs. S.R. DeCoudres, of this city (South
Bend). Mr Clem had been a member of Westminster Presbyterian church for
28 years.
Funeral Notes : South Bend Tribune 8/2/1928
Funeral services for William Clem will be held at the residence 629 Cottage
Grove Avenue at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Rev. H. B. Hostetter, secretary of
the Presbyterian church will officiate. Burial will be in Riverview cemetery.
The body may be viewed this evening in the residence.