Submitted by: Dan Rich
Rev. J. Bernard Clark CSC
Dec. 26, 1932 July 31, 1989
South Bend Tribune 8/2/1989
Services for Rev. J. Bernard Clark CSC, 56,
of Portland Ore. who died Saturday in Portland, will be at 10
a.m. Saturday in Moreau Seminary at Notre Dame, with burial in
Community Cemetery. Friends may call after 3:30 p.m. Friday in
the seminary chapel, where a wake service will be at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Clark was director of campus ministry
at the University of Portland. He had served as director of
campus ministry at California State University, associate pastor
at St. Elizabeth Parish, Portland, and St. Francis Xavier Parish,
Burbank, Calif. He was born Dec. 26, 1932 in Montgomery, Ala.;
and he entered the Holy Cross Seminary on Sept. 10, 1947; made
his first profession of vows Aug. 16, 1951. He was ordained to
the priesthood May 31, 1958. After ordination he studied at the
University of California and at Notre Dame.