Submitted by: Jeannie Kowalik
The South
Bend Tribune, Friday Evening, December 19, 1924
Frank Cholewczynski, age 44, 2422 West Poland street, died Thursday afternoon at 12:40 o'clock at Healthwin hospital after an illness of one year with tuberculosis. He was born in Poland, March 11, 1880, and had resided in this city 35 years. Surviving are seven brothers and sisters, Mrs. Rose Glon, Mrs. Helen Wasikowski, Mrs. Martha Piechozki and Mary, Leo, Casimir and William Cholewczynski, all of this city. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Adelbert's Roman Catholic church, Rev. J. Osadnik, officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery