Submitted by: Dan Rich



Barbara Brunner

Apr. 6, 1820 – Feb. 16, 1915


The Mishawaka Enterprise 2/19/1915

MISHAWAKA – Mrs. Barbara Brunner, mother of Vinvcent Brunner, and probably the oldest person in the community, passed away on Tuesday evening at the home of her son, at 620 E. Joseph Street, in the 95th year of her age.  She was born April 6, 1820 in Switzerland, and was married to Kasper Brunner in 1848, having the same family name, but not related. She had lived in Mishawaka since 1867. Her husband died in this city in 1872. She had six brothers in Switzerland, but all of them have passed away. The surviving children are: Mary Agnes of Mishawaka, Peter V. of California; Vincent, who is a well known resident, and with whom she made her home for many years.


The funeral was held this morning from St. Joseph Catholic Church.