Submitted by Nadine Hardin

South Bend Tribune

Name in Obituary:  Michael Barna


South Bend Tribune, Obituary, Funeral Notes; Friday, August 08, 1941:

Friends of Michael Barna, 2618 West Hartzer Street, who was found dead in his automobile Wednesday after he had suffered a heart attack, will be received after 7 p.m. today in the Nemeth Funeral Home.  Funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of his brothers who are on a vacation tour in northern Michigan.


South Bend Tribune, Obituary, Funeral Notes; Saturday, August 09, 1941:

Funeral rites for Michael Barna, 2618 West Hartzer Street, will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Nemeth Funeral Home.  Friends will be received there until the funeral.  Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery.