Submitted by:  Nadine A. Hardin


Name:  Andrysiak, Peter

Names in obituary:  Andrysiak, Holocz, Czeck, Chiebowski, rezebelska, Sgymanska, Mielewski, Malicka



South Bend Tribune, Obituaries; Monday, December 10, 1928, Sec. 1, p. 5

Peter Andrysiak

Peter Andrysiak, age 63, of  841 South Liberty street, died in his home at about 10 o’clock following a two months’ illness. He was born in Poland Nov. 14, 1865, and came to South Bend from that country 40 years ago. On Nov. 20, 1904 he married Miss Agnes Holocz, who survives. He is also survived by five sons, Stanley, Bert, John, Joseph and Frank Andrysiak and seven daughters, Mrs. Martha Czeck, Mrs. Helen Chiebowski, Mrs. Florence Prezebelska and Pearl, Bertha, Mary and Virginia Andrysiak, all of South Bend, and nine brothers and sisters, Steve, Zyried, Mike, Frank and George Andrysiak, Mrs. Mary Sgymanska and Mrs. Antoinette Mielewski, of this city, and Mrs. Rosa Malicka of North Liberty, this county. Funeral services will be held at St. Adelbert’s Roman Catholic church at 9 o’clock Thursday morning, the Rev. John Osadnik, the pastor, officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery


South Bend Tribune, Funeral Notes; Tuesday, December 11, 1928, Sec. 1, p. 10

Funeral services for Peter Andrysiak, of 841 South Liberty street, who died Sunday, will be held at 9 o’clock Thursday morning in St. Adalbert’s Roman Catholic church. The Rev. John Osadnik, the pastor, will officiate and burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery.