In February I mistakenly sent you a non-privatized version of the Spychalski Family Tree, correcting information contained in the Ladewski Body of Work.  You posted this information as addendum:   010A_Ladewski_S_Spychalski_FamilyGroup    Would you please be so kind as to take down the original posting and replace it with this privatized version?




Melanie Spychalski



Descendants of AGNES LOBODA



Generation No. 1


        1.  AGNES2 LOBODA  (ANDREW1) was born March-1850 in Luzny, Poland/Germany, and died 29-October-1911 in South Bend, IN1.  She married (1) Frank Gaebler Abt. 1869 in Krolikowa, Poland, son of ? Gaebler and Antonie Wlodarka.  He was born Abt. 1846 in Province of Posen, Poland/Germany, and died 28-March-1882 in South Bend, Indiana2.  She married (2) CONSTANTINE DASZYNSKI 18-July-1882 in Terre Coupe, Indiana3, son of ANDREW DASZYNSKI.  He was born 1856 in Poland, and died 18-May-1898 in Crums Point (Crumstown), St. Joseph Co., Indiana4.





        I, Agnieszka Daszynska, of St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, do make the following as my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former will by me made.


        Item 1.  I direct all my just debts to be paid


        Item 2.  I give and bequeath to my son John Gebler, Five Dollars ($5.00).  The said John Gebler having received Sixty Dollars ($60.00) from me on a previous occasion and left my home at the age of Fifteen years and did not return to live with me since.


        Item 3.  I give and bequeath to my son Anton Gebler, Five Dollars ($5.00).  The said Anton Gebler, receives but Five Dollars ($5.00) because he left my home at the age of Fourteen Years and has not returned to live with me since.


        Item 4.  I give and bequeath to my son Wladyslaw Gebler, Five Dollars ($5.00).  The said Wladyslaw Gebler, receives but Five Dollars ($5.00) because he received One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) from me on a prior occasion.


        Item 5.  I give and bequeath to my daughter Salomeja Daszynska Spychalska Fifty Dollars ($50.00), the said Salomeja Daszynska Spychalska having received One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) on a prior occasion.


        Item 6.  I likewise give and bequeath to my daughter Salomeja Daszynska Spychalska, one half (½) of all my household furniture and effects and my jewelry and other articles of personal use or ornament.  The other one half (½), I give and bequeath to my daughter Stanislawa Daszynska.


        Item 7.  I give and bequeath to my son Maxmillian Daszynski the following described real estate, to wit: - Thirty (30) acres off of the South Side of the South-east quarter (¼), section 28, Township 37, North range 1 East, excepting the right of way of the Grand Trunk & Western Ry. Co., and the tract South of said right of way.  Also excepting the following described tract:  Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line of said right of way and the South line of said section; thence West Twenty (20) Rods, thence North Eight (8) rods; thence East Twenty (20) rods; thence South-east five (5) rods to said Railway; thence South west along said railway to the place of beginning.  Leaving Twenty-seven (27) acres.  ALSO


        A strip or trace of land described as follows:  Commencing at the intersection of the right of way of the Grand Trunk and Western Railway Company and the South line of Section NO. Twenty eight (28), Township No. Thirty-seven (37) North, Range No. One (1) East; thence West Twenty (20) rods; thence North Eight (8) rods; thence East Twenty (20) rods; thence South East Five (5) rods to the Grand Trunk & Western Railway Company's right of way; thence South West along said right of way to the place of beginning, containing one and one half (1 ½) acres more or less; together with the right of way appurtenant to said land.  ALSO


        Twenty-five and fifteen hundredths (25.15) acres in a rectangular shape off of and from the North end of the North West quarter (¼) of the North East quarter (¼) of Sec. No. Thirty-three (33), Township; No. Thirty-seven (37) North, Range No. One (1) East, being tract No. One (1) as set off to Olive Custer in a certain action for partitioning the St. Joseph Circuit Court, wherein Frank Partridge, et al., were plaintiffs and William B. Crum, et al., were defendants, a transcript and plat of which partition is recorded in the Recorder's Office of said County I Partition (Deed) Record Volt, 1, page 442, and being the North half (½) of Lot No. Two (2), North of the Old Indiana Boundary Line, in the North East Quarter (¼) of said Section No. Thirty-three (33), excepting there from the right of way of the Grand Trunk & Western Railway Company.  All of the above described real estate being in the St. Joseph County, State of Indiana.  ALSO

        A lot of parcel of land Forty (40) Feet in width taken off the West ends of Lots numbers Ninety-one (91) and Ninety-two (92) as shown on the recorded plat of Gorsuch's Fifth (5) Addition to the City of South Bend, excepting Eight (8) feet off the South end for private alley for use of owners of said lots Nos. Ninety-one (91) and Ninety-two (92).


        This real estate is given according to the condition of a certain agreement and deed made between myself, Agnieszka Daszynska, and my son Maxmillian Daszynski, on the 24 day of August 1911 and recorded in the Book of Deeds 146 on pages 358, of which the following is a true copy:


                                                WARRANTY DEED


        This Indenture, Witnesseth that Agnieszka Daszynska, widow, of St. Joseph County, State of Indiana Convey and Warranty to Maxmillian Daszynski of St. Joseph County in the State of Indiana his heirs and assigns, for the sum of one (1) Dollar the following Real Estate in St. Joseph County, in the State of Indiana, to wit:  -

Thirty (30) acres off of the South Side of the South-east quarter (¼), section 28, Township 37, North range 1 East, excepting the right of way of the Grand Trunk & Western Ry. Co., and the tract South of said right of way.  Also excepting the following described tract:  Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line of said right of way and the South line of said section; thence West Twenty (20) Rods, thence North Eight (8) rods; thence East Twenty (20) rods; thence South-east five (5) rods to said Railway; thence South west along said railway to the place of beginning.  Leaving Twenty-seven (27) acres.  ALSO


        A strip or trace of land described as follows:  Commencing at the intersection of the right of way of the Grand Trunk and Western Railway Company and the South line of Section NO. Twenty eight (28), Township No. Thirty-seven (37) North, Range No. One (1) East; thence West Twenty (20) rods; thence North Eight (8) rods; thence East Twenty (20) rods; thence South East Five (5) rods to the Grand Trunk & Western Railway Company's right of way; thence South West along said right of way to the place of beginning, containing one and one half (1 ½) acres more or less; together with the right of way appurtenant to said land.  ALSO


        Twenty-five and fifteen hundredths (25.15) acres in a rectangular shape off of and from the North end of the North West quarter (¼) of the North East quarter (¼) of Sec. No. Thirty-three (33), Township; No. Thirty-seven (37) North, Range No. One (1) East, being tract No. One (1) as set off to Olive Custer in a certain action for partitioning the St. Joseph Circuit Court, wherein Frank Partridge, et al., were plaintiffs and William B. Crum, et al., were defendants, a transcript and plat of which partition is recorded in the Recorder's Office of said County I Partition (Deed) Record Vol, 1, page 442, and being the North half (½) of Lot No. Two (2), North of the Old Indiana Boundary Line, in the North East Quarter (¼) of said Section No. Thirty-three (33), excepting there from the right of way of the Grand Trunk & Western Railway Company.  All of the above described real estate being in the St. Joseph County, State of Indiana.  ALSO

        A lot of parcel of land Forty (40) Feet in width taken off the West ends of Lots numbers Ninety-one (91) and Ninety-two (92) as shown on the recorded plat of Gorsuch's Fifth (5) Addition to the City of South Bend, excepting Eight (8) feet off the South end for private alley for use of owners of said lots Nos. Ninety-one (91) and Ninety-two (92).


        The first three (3) above described parcels of real estate are conveyed to Maxmillian Daszynski on the following conditions, to wit: - Agnieszka Daszynski, the party of the first part, is to have a life lease in the said real estate, that said real estate cannot be sold during the life time of the said Agnieszka Daszynska, without her consent, that the said Agnieszka Daszynska, is to have the double bedroom she now occupies and should the said Maxmillian Daszynski marry, then he, the said Maxmillian Daszynski is to build an additional kitchen to the house for the said Agnieszka Daszynska.  The said Maxmillian Daszynski is to give two (2) cord of stove wood each and every year to the said Agnieszka Daszynska, and if the said Agnieszka Daszynska lives in the city, the said Maxmillian Daszynski is to haul the wood to her, when she so requests.  The said Maxmillian Daszynski is to furnish one (1) quart of milk each day when on the farm, and pay for a quart of milk each day when in the city to and for the said Agnieszka Daszynska.  The said Agnieszka Daszynska has the right to receive any relatives or friends she wish at her home while on the farm.  The said Maximilian Daszynski is to pay the said Agnieszka Daszynska One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) semi-annually; - Fifty Dollars ($50.00) on the 20th day of August and Fifty Dollars ($50.00) on the 20th day of February.  The said Maxmillian Daszynski must take the said Agnieszka Daszynska or have some one take the said Agnieszka Daszynska to church at least once a month while the said Agnieszka Daszynska lives on the farm.


        The last within described parcel of real estate is conveyed to Maxmillian Daszynski on the following conditions, to wit; - The said Maxmillian Daszynski is to assume the Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) mortgage on this said real estate and pay the interest on same from the date of execution of this deed conveying same to him and to pay the said Agnieszka Daszynska Ten Dollars ($10) per month until this property is clear form all encumbrance and after her death the said Maxmillian Daszynski is to be the sole owner of the said described real estate. 


        Item 8.  I likewise give and bequeath to my son Maxmillian Daszynski, one half (½) of all of my stock of cattle, cows, calves, lambs, poultry and animals of all kinds, and also one half (½) of my hay, corn, and grain, and also one half (½) of all of my farming implements and tools, plows, mowing machinery reaping, thrashing and of all other agricultural machines; wagons, carts, carriages, harness, saddles and all other implements of husbandry, which shall at my demise be in or on my farm in the State of Indiana, County of St. Joseph, or on any other farm belonging to me at the date of my death.


        The other half of all the above mentioned articles, I give and bequeath to my son Albert Daszynski; as Item 10 shows.  Any of the above articles that cannot be equally divided are to be sold at a private or a public sale and the proceeds resulting from such sale equally divided between Maxmillian Daszynski and Albert Daszynski.  Maxmillian Daszynski may, however, buy Albert Daszynski's one half (½) of all or any of the above mentioned chattels if Albert Daszynski wishes so to sell them to him.


        Item 9.  I give and bequeath to my daughter Stanislawa Daszynska Three Hundred Dollars ($300) to be paid her One (1) Year from the date of my death.  And also one half (½) of all of my household furniture and effects, and my jewelry and other articles of personal use or ornament.  The other half (½) of which I give and bequeath to my daughter Salomeja Daszynska Spychalska.             


        No division of the goods shall be made that I have given and bequeathed to my daughter Stanislawa Daszynska during my live time.


        Item 10.  I give and bequeath to my son Albert Daszynski Three Hundred Dollars ($300) to be paid to him Two (2) years from the date of my death.  Also One half (½) of all my stock of cattle, cows, calves, lambs, poultry and animals of all kinds, and also one half (½) of my hay, corn, and grain, and also one half (½) of all  of my farming implements and tools, plows, mowing machinery reaping, thrashing and of all other agricultural machines; wagons, carts, carriages, harness, saddles and all other implements of husbandry, which shall at my demise be in or on my farm in the State of Indiana County of St. Joseph, or on any other farm belonging to me at the date of my death.  But should my son Albert wish to leave my home and marry the said Maxmillian is to give him his one half of all above mentioned and after my death he will receive the $300 as provided.


        Item 11.  Should I be sick for any length of time, and be in need of medical aid my son Maxmillian Daszynski is to pay one half (½) of the costs, my daughter Stanislawa Daszynska is to pay one fourth (¼) of the costs and my son Albert Daszynski is to pay one fourth (¼) of the costs.


        Item 12.  My son Maxmillian Daszynski is to give me a Roman Catholic burial, and is to pay not less than one hundred ($100) for my burial.


        Item 13.  I hereby appoint Attorney Joseph V. Wypiszynski Executor of this my last Will and Testament.


        In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 24h day of August, 1911. 



                                                                                Agniska Daszynska


        Subscribed by the said Agnieszka Daszynska, in our presence and by her declared to be her last will and testament, and attested by us as such in her presence, and in the presence of each other, this 24th day of August, 1911.


                                                                Bert E. Klyz


                                                                Luke J. Gramza


Anecdotes by Ed Daszynski


It seems that my Grandma, Agnes Loboda, was born in Prussia - German occupied Poland, in a town named Luzny.  She was born in 1847.  I know the census shows her as born in 1850 but her tombstone shows 1847.  She married a Frank Gaebler and had three children-namely Joseph, John and Andrew.  Then they decided to immigrate to United States.  They arrived here in 1872.  In the meantime--during the voyage, Joseph then was five years old.  He took sick and died, they buried him at sea.   About 1873 they had a son Walter (Lot).  About 1880 Frank Gaebler died - How, why?



When the railroad (Grand Trunk Western) was built (1904) it divided the farm that later was purchased by Agnes (Gaebler) Daszynski.  So the pasture was across the tracks.  About 1908 Agnes adopted a boy that was deft.  Agnes told him to take the cows to pasture.  As he did so a train came along and killed him.  I can't find anything in the filmed newspapers about this incident  Dad would not talk about, Mom mentioned it but did not elaborate much about it.


Agnes also adopted a young girl named Helen, 8 years old in 1906.  About 1920 she married a Dobjewkowski.


Notes for Frank Gaebler:

There was a Frantz Gaebler, aged 27, Male, on board the ship Columbia when it arrived in the Port of New York June 21, 1872.  He was listed as a Laborer from Prussia and was planning on traveling to Chicago.  It is unknown yet if this is our Frank Gaebler.



Anecdote by Ed Daszynski


Grandpa Constantine Daszynski was an educated man.  He had a law degree (an attorney) but here he didn't know the language.  He worked at the plough works (Oliver Factory).  His side jobs were to take care of the Polish Clubs paperwork.   They paid him by giving him booze (no money).  Therefore he died at an early age.  I recall something like his middle 30's?



Dazshinski Constantine     Mrs Agnes Gebbler              Jul 18 1882           8              538


Children of AGNES LOBODA and Frank Gaebler are:

+      2                 i.    John S.3 Gabler, born December-1870 in Poland (German occupied); died Bet. 1940 - 1945.

        3                ii.    Joseph Gabler, born Abt. 1873 in Poland (German occupied); died Unknown.

        4               iii.    Frances Gabler, born Abt. 1874 in South Bend, Indiana; died 01-February-1880 in South Bend, Indiana4.

        5               iv.    Antonia Gabler, born Abt. 1878 in Indiana; died Unknown.

+      6                v.    Wladyslaw (Walter) Gabler, born 19-December-1879 in South Bend, Indiana; died Aft. 1952 in South Bend, Indiana.

        7               vi.    Bronislaw Gabler5, born 28-August-1881 in South Bend, Indiana6; died 21-December-1886 in Warren Township, St. Joseph Co., Indiana6.




+      8                 i.    SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, born 18-August-1883 in South Bend, Indiana; died 30-September-1957 in South Bend, Indiana.

        9                ii.    Leon Daszynski, born Abt. 1884; died Unknown.

        10             iii.    Joseph Daszynski, born Abt. 1885 in Warren Township, St. Joseph Co., Indiana; died 16-November-1893 in Warren Township, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.


Notes for Joseph Daszynski:



Crumstown, Nov. 17 - A son of Mr. Dashnski's, living just west of the village, died of diptheria last Saturday, aged about 10 years.  Three more of the family are ill with the disease.


+      11             iv.    Maximillian Daszynski, born 17-April-1887 in South Bend, Indiana; died 31-December-1967 in South Bend, Indiana.

+      12              v.    Stella Daszynski, born 18-November-1888 in Crumstown, Warren Twsp., St. Joseph County, Indiana; died 05-February-1978 in South Bend, Indiana.

        13             vi.    Albert K. Daszynski7,8, born 21-August-1891 in Crumstown, Warren Twsp., St. Joseph County, Indiana; died 08-January-1952 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married (1) Susie R. Rakowski Abt. 1910 in Indiana; born Abt. 1890 in Indiana; died Unknown.  He married (2) Louise Dolniak9 05-June-1948 in St. Joseph County, Indiana; born 27-July-1904 in South Bend, Indiana; died 30-March-1967 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Albert K. Daszynski:



Albert K. Daszynski (Days), 518 South Grant Street, died at 11:52 p.m. Tuesday in Memorial Hospital.  He had been ill for four days.  Born in Crumstown, this county, Aug. 21, 1890, he had lived in South Bend 41 years, coming here from Crumstown.  He was a cabinet maker at the Singer Manufacturing Company Plant.  Surviving are the widow, Louise; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Betty Jane Maciulaki; a stepson, Daniel John Dolniak; two sisters, Mrs. Salomea Spychalski and Mrs. Stella Bojarski, all of South Bend; a brother, Max Daszynski, Crumstown, and a stepbrother, Walter Geabler, South Bend, and one grandson.  Friends may call after 7 p.m. today in St. Joseph Funeral Chapel.  The funeral will be held Saturday morning in St.Adalbert's Catholic Church.  Very Rev. Msgr. Ignatius J. Gapczynski, pastor, will officiate.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Polish Cemetery.  Mr. Daszynski was a member of the Eagles' Lodge, West Side Democratic and Civic Club, St. Joseph Young Men's Society, Chain-O-Lakes Conservation Club and St. Vincent de Paul Society No. 79, Polish Roman Catholic Union.



Marriage Notes for Albert Daszynski and Susie Rakowski:

Daszynski Albert   Konstantine             Agnes Loboda         M            W            Aug 22 1890           38            249


Notes for Louise Dolniak:



Mrs. Louise Daszynski, 62, of 518 S. Grant St., died at 12:20 p.m. Thursday in Memorial Hospital after a four week illness.  She was a former Memorial Hospital employee.  She was born July 27, 1904 in South Bend.  Her husband, Albert, died in 1952.  Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Betty Jane Maciulski of South Bend; two grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Oliver Hansel of South Bend.  Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday in the ST. Joseph Funeral Home.  Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in St. Adalbert's  Church, Rev. John Moskel, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  She was a member of God and Country Society Chapter 335.  The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Saturday and 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home.



Marriage Notes for Albert Daszynski and Louise Dolniak:

Marriage Record for Albert K DASZYNSKI


    Spouse: Louise DOLNIAK

    Date: 5 Jun 1948

    B/G: Groom

    Source: Book:162 Page:174

    Record #: license date 1948/06/05

    County and State: St Joseph Co. IN


        14            vii.    Helen Daszynski, born Abt. 1902 in Indiana; died Unknown; Adopted child.  She married ? Dobjewkowski Abt. 1920; born Abt. 1900; died Unknown.



Generation No. 2


        2.  John S.3 Gabler (AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)10 was born December-1870 in Poland (German occupied), and died Bet. 1940 - 1945.  He married Ladyslawa (Lettie) Poczekaj10 Abt. 1901 in South Bend, Indiana.  She was born Abt. 1870 in Indiana, and died Unknown.


Child of John Gabler and Ladyslawa Poczekaj is:

        15               i.    Tekla (Thelma)4 Gaebler10, born Abt. 1886 in South Bend, Indiana; died Unknown.  She married Husband 21-September-1900 in South Bend, Indiana; born Abt. 1885; died Unknown.



        6.  Wladyslaw (Walter)3 Gabler (AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born 19-December-1879 in South Bend, Indiana, and died Aft. 1952 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married Blanch Messner.  She was born Abt. 1879, and died Unknown.


Children of Wladyslaw Gabler and Blanch Messner are:

+      16               i.    Frank E.4 Geabler, born 27-August-1905 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana; died 07-July-1980 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana.

        17              ii.    Clara Geabler, born Private.

        18             iii.    Stanley Geabler, born Private.

        19             iv.    Edward Geabler, born Private.



        8.  SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI (AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)11,12 was born 18-August-1883 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 30-September-1957 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married STEPHEN W. SPYCHALSKI13,14,15 04-September-1900 in Terre Coupe, St. Joseph County, Indiana, son of ANDRZEJ SPYCHALSKI and AGNESKA CHOLEWINSKA.  He was born 22-November-1876 in South Bend, Indiana16,17, and died 03-May-1946 in South Bend, Indiana.





Mrs. Salomea Spychalski, of 416 S. Grant St., died at 11 a.m. Monday in her residence after a long illness.  She was born in South Bend Aug. 18, 1883.  Surviving are six daughters, Sister Mary Hilaria, C.S.S.F., of  Toledo., O., Sister Mary Firmina, C.S.S.F. of Bay City, Mich., Mrs. Honoreda Coles, of San Antonio, Tex., Mrs. Irene Jozwiak, of South Bend, Mrs. Mary Buczkowski, of Niles and Mrs. Frances Moeller, of Downey, Calif.; four sons, Andrew Spencer, Anastasius, Edwin and Theophil Spychalski, all of South Bend; 21 grandchildren and three great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Stella Bojarski, of South Bend and a brother, Maximillian Daszynski, of  North Liberty, Ind. 


Friends may call after 7 p.m. today in the St. Joseph Funeral Home Chapel.  Services will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church with Very Rev. Msgr. Ignatius Gapczynski, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in Cedar Grove Cemetery.  Mrs. Spychalski was a member of the Ladies Holy Rosary Society, Court of Mary, the Felician Sisters Auxiliary, the St. Adalbert's Parent-Teacher Assn. and the West Side Women's Democratic Club.


Anecdote by Ed Daszynski







Stephan Spychalski, aged 69, of 416 S. Grant Street, died at 8 a.m. today in St. Joseph Hospital after an illness of two years.  He was born in South Bend Nov. 22, 1876 and spent his entire life here.  He was employed by the Street Department.  In his younger years he was active in the politics in the west Side of the City and was a member of the West Side Democratic and Civic Club.  He was one of the organizers of St. Adalbert's Catholic Church.  On Sept. 4, 1900, in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, he married Miss Salomea Daszynski, who survives.  Other survivors are the following children, Andrew J. Spencer, Anastasias, Clement, Edwin and Theofil Spychalski, Mrs. Irene Jozwiak, Mary and Frances Spychalski, all of South Bend; Sister Mary Firmina and Sister Mary Hilaria, both Felcian Sisters of Detroit Mich.; and Mrs. Honoreda Coles, Langhorne, Pa., and 15 grandchildren.  Friends may call after 5 p.m. Saturday in the home and until funeral services at 9 a.m. Tuesday in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church, Rev. Ignatius J. Gapczynski, pastor, will officiate.  Burial will be in Cedar Grove Cemetery.


Anecdotes from Ed Daszynski


As you know, Stephan Spychalski married Salomenia Daszynski.   Their first home was in Crumstown, Indiana.  Steve then got a job in the Street Department in South Bend.  He had one problem--he drank a lot.  He would go to a tavern and buy booze on credit.  Then on pay day he would pay his bill--sometimes Aunt Salomenia had very little money left for her groceries.  Both of them were very well liked.





+      20               i.    Andrew4 Spychalski, born 03-November-1903 in South Bend, Indiana; died 19-October-1957 in South Bend, Indiana.

        21              ii.    Leocadia Spychalski (Sr. Mary Hilary), born 18-November-1904 in South Bend, Indiana; died 06-March-1990 in Felician Mother House, Livonia, MI.


Notes for Leocadia Spychalski (Sr. Mary Hilary):



South Bend----Private services for Sister Mary Hilary Spychalski, 85, of Livonia, Mich., who died at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday at Felician Sisters Mother House, will be at 10 a.m. Friday at the Felician Sister Mother House Chapel in Livonia.  Burial will be in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Southfield, Mich.  Howe-Peterson Funeral Home, Livonia, is in charge of arrangements.


She was born Nov. 18, 1904.  Surviving are four sisters, Sister Mary Firmine Spychalski of livonia, Honoreda M. Coles, of South Bend; Mary Buczkowski of Niles and Frances Moeller of Downey, Calif. 






















+      22             iii.    Anastasius W. Spychalski, born 31-December-1906 in South Bend, Indiana; died 01-June-1978 in South Bend, Indiana.

        23             iv.    Honoreda M. Spychalski18, born 14-January-1909 in South Bend, Indiana; died 14-February-1994 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married George Coles 03-December-1932 in St. Joseph County, Indiana; born Unknown; died Unknown.


Notes for Honoreda M. Spychalski:


Jan. 14, 1909 - Feb. 14, 1994


SOUTH BEND - Honoreda M. Coles, 85, of Regency Place, formerly of North St. Louis Boulevard, died at 4:10 p.m. Monday in Michiana Community Hospital.  Mrs. Coles retired in 1971 from Hans Rintzsch Luggage Shop.  She was born Jan. 14, 1909, in South Bend, and was a lifelong area resident.  She is survived by three sisters, Mary Buczkowski, of Niles; Sister M. Firmine of Livoinia, Mich., and Frances Moeller of Downey, Calif., and several nieces and nephews.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Joseph Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Cedar Grove Cemetery.  Friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. Wednesday in the funeral home, where a rosary will be said at 7 p.m.  Memorial contributions may be made to any charity.


Marriage Notes for Honoreda Spychalski and George Coles:

Database = Saint Joseph Co, IN Marriage Index 1927-1954

Marriage Record for George Coles


    Spouse: Honoreeda M SPYCHALSKA

    Date: 3 Dec 1932

    B/G: Groom

    Source: Book:070 Page:055

    Record #: license date 1932/12/01

    County and State: St Joseph Co. IN

    User-Added Notes (click here to add a note):


+      24              v.    Clement S. Spychalski, born 08-December-1910 in South Bend, Indiana; died 04-July-1954 in Colbert Lake, Edwardsburg, Michigan.

+      25             vi.    EDWIN JOHN SPYCHALSKI, born 21-August-1912 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana; died 22-December-1976 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.

+      26            vii.    Irene Spychalski, born 28-September-1914 in South Bend, Indiana; died 21-January-1972 in South Bend, Indiana.

        27           viii.    Theckla Spychalski  (Sr. Mary Firmine)18, born 16-July-1917 in South Bend, Indiana; died 25-September-2003 in Livonia, Michigan.


Notes for Theckla Spychalski  (Sr. Mary Firmine):



Sister Mary Firmine, the former Tekla Spychalski, will celebrate her golden jubilee with a Mass at 4 p.m. Saturday at St. Adalbert Church.  A reception for family and friends is planned from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the St. Joseph Club.  Sister Mary attended St. Adalbert School.  Her teaching career began shortly after graduation from the Felician Academy in Detroit in 1935.  She has taught in schools in Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and also has served as principal and librarian.  Her present assignment is teaching high school at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Wyandotte, Mich.


Obituary: Sr. M. Firmine Spychalski

July 16, 1917 -- Sept. 25, 2003

South Bend Tribune Newspaper




Sister Mary Firmine (Thecla Spychalski), CSSF, 86, of South Bend, Ind., in the 69th year of religious life, entered eternal life on Thursday, Sept. 25, in Blessed Angela Convent, Livonia, Mich.


She was born on July 16, 1917, in South Bend. Her parents, Stephen and Salome (Daszynska) Spychalski, raised 11 children. All of her brothers and four of her sisters preceded her in death: Andrew, Anastasius, Clement, Edwin and Theophil, Leocadia, (Sister Mary Hilary Spychalski, CSSF), Hooreda Coles, Irene Jozwiak and Mary Buczkowski. She is survived by one sister, Frances Moeller, who resides in California.


She attended St. Adalbert Elementary School and entered the Seminary of the Felician Sisters at age 14. She joined the Felician Congregation in June 1935. As a novice she received the name Sister Mary Firmine. She pronounced first vows in 1937, and final profession in 1943. In preparation for the ministry in teaching, Sister earned a bachelor of arts degree from Madonna University, a master's degree in education from the University of Detroit, and a master of arts degree in library science from Central Michigan.


Sister Firmine was a teacher and principal in schools in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. In South Bend, Sister taught at St. Adalbert and Holy Family Schools. Retiring from active teaching in 1987, Sister continued to serve in another ministry at Madonna University where she utilized her expertise in library science for another 14 years.


Family members recalled that Sister Mary Firmine was outgoing, strong-willed and competitive, one who would easily take charge. She had friends by the hundreds. Whether playing scrabble or pinochle, planning family parties or on sight-seeing tours, Sister Mary Firmine was always a joy to be around.


Because of illness and poor health, Sister Firmine was assigned to Blessed Mary Angela Convent where, in her prayer ministry, she especially remembered the school principals.


On Sept. 25th, at 8:10 p.m., Sister passed peacefully as she completed her earthly journey and went to meet the Lord and His mother, whom she faithfully loved on this earth.


Rev. Justin Kusibab, OFM Conventual, chaplain, conducted the Translation service on Monday morning, Sept. 29, followed by morning prayer and the celebration of the Mass of the Resurrection in the chapel of the Felician Sisters Provincialate, Livonia, Mich. Burial services were at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield, Mich.



+      28             ix.    Theophil A. Spychalski, born 07-November-1919 in South Bend, Indiana; died 24-November-1984 in South Bend, Indiana.

+      29              x.    Mary C. Spychalski, born 12-September-1922 in South Bend, Indiana; died 26-March-1995 in South Bend, Indiana.

        30             xi.    Frances Spychalski18, born Abt. 1925 in South Bend, Indiana; died 16-March-2005 in Downey, California.  She married Carl Moeller; born Abt. 1924; died December-2002 in Downey, California.



        11.  Maximillian3 Daszynski (AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)19,20 was born 17-April-1887 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 31-December-1967 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married Maryanne Bojarski21,22 25-June-1912 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, daughter of Frank Bojarski and Valentina Bonat.  She was born 26-February-1893 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 14-September-1977 in North Liberty, Indiana.


Notes for Maximillian Daszynski:

Anecdote by Ed Daszynski


Maxmillion would tease Aunt Stella (Stanesloska, Stella for short) about her boyfriend.  One day during the teasing Max (my Dad) was sitting on a small chair next to a window (the window was low to the floor).  Aunt Stella gave him a shove and Dad rolled out the window.  Dad found himself outside.



Mushroom hunting was a thing to do.  Uncle Frank, Uncle Leo and other uncles came to our farm to pick mushrooms.  As they were out there in the woods, Dad would follow them and Dad ould always have more then they.  lot of jokes and teasing about "you don't know what or where to look".




Notes for Maryanne Bojarski:



Mrs. Mary Ann Daszynski, 84, who resided with her daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Morenc, of 5980 Crumstown Hwy., North Liberty, died at 6:05 a.m. today in the Carlyle Nursing Home after an extended illness.  She was a former employee of Robertson's Department Store.  She was born on Feb. 26, 1893, in South Bend and lived in this area all her life.  On June 25, 1912, as Mary Ann Bojarski, she married Maximillian Daszynski, who died on Dec. 31, 1967.  Surviving besides Mrs. Morenc, are a daughter, Mrs. Winifred Fesler of Virginia; three sons, Chester of South Bend, Edward of Cassopolis, and Donald of Castro Valley, Calif.; 15 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Valentia Przybylski and Mrs. Margaret Wisniewski, both of South Bend.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in Holy Family Catholic Church, Rev. Daniel I. Peil, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday and 2 to 9 p.m. Friday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home.  Mrs. Daszynski was a member of the Legion of Mary of St. Stanislaus Church, Terre Coupe and the Rosary and Altar Society of Holy Family Church.  The Rosary and Altar Society members will recite a rosary at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home.



Marriage Notes for Maximillian Daszynski and Maryanne Bojarski:

Daszynske Maxsmilijan    George   Agnes Labodah   M            W            Apr 17 1887         36           73


Children of Maximillian Daszynski and Maryanne Bojarski are:

        31               i.    Chester4 Daszynski, born 26-August-1913 in South Bend, Indiana; died 05-March-1997 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married (1) Sophia Machowiak Private; born Private.  He married (2) Rosalie E. Csaszar23 21-April-1938 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana; born 21-November-1913 in South Bend, Indiana; died 20-July-1969 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Rosalie E. Csaszar:



Mrs. Rosalie E. Daszynski, 55, of 58999 Crumstown Highway, died at 5 a.m. Sunday in St. Joseph's Hospital, after a short illness.  She was a former employee of Wyman's Department Store.  She was born on Nov. 21, 1913 in South Bend and lived here all of her life.  An April 21, 1938, in St. Stephen's Church, South Bend, she was married to Chester Daszynski who survives.  Also surviving are her mother, Mrs. Rose Csaszar of South Bend, two brothers, Paul Csaszar of Williamsville, N.Y., and Joseph Csaszar of South Bend and one sister, Mrs. Mary Irvin of South Bend.  Friends may call after 7 p.m. today and from 1 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in the ST. Joseph Funeral Home.  Services will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday in ST. Stephen's Catholic Church with Very Rev. Msgr. Elmer G. Peterson, pastor, officiating.  Burial will take place in the St. Joseph Cemetery.  Mrs. Daszynski was a member of the Daughters of Isabella and the Christ Child Society of St. Stephen's Church.  A parish rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Tuesday and a rosary will be said by the Daughters of Isabella at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday both in the funeral home.



        32              ii.    Evelyn A. Daszynski, born 16-November-1915 in St. Joseph County, Indiana; died 17-June-1993 in North Liberty, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.  She married Edward P. Morenc 22-April-1939 in St. Joseph County, Indiana; born 31-January-1909; died 04-October-1995 in North Liberty, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.


Marriage Notes for Evelyn Daszynski and Edward Morenc:

Marriage Record for Evelyn A DASZYNSKI


    Spouse: Edward P MORENC

    Date: 22 Apr 1939

    B/G: Bride

    Source: Book:113 Page:300

    Record #: license date 1939/04/15

    County and State: St Joseph Co. IN


+      33             iii.    Edward J. Daszynski, born 06-March-1918 in Crumstown. St. Joseph County, Indiana; died 16-January-2007 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.

+      34             iv.    Winnifred Daszynski, born Private.

+      35              v.    Daniel Daszynski, born 18-March-1925 in South Bend, Indiana; died 26-June-2000 in Antioch, Contra Costa, California.



        12.  Stella3 Daszynski (AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)24 was born 18-November-1888 in Crumstown, Warren Twsp., St. Joseph County, Indiana, and died 05-February-1978 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married Stanley J. Bojarski 29-January-1913 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, son of Frank Bojarski and Valentina Bonat.  He was born 14-April-1887 in Poland, and died 23-December-1962 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Stella Daszynski:



Mrs. Stella Bojarski, 89, of the Ridgedale Nursing Home, died at 8 p.m. Sunday in the nursing home after an extended illness.  She was born on Nov. 18, 1888, in Crumstown and lived in this area all her life.   On Jan. 29, 1913, in South Bend, as Stella A. Daszynski, she married Stanley Bojarski who died in 1962.  Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Genevieve (Jean) Magdalinski of South Bend; two sons, Joseph of Inglewood, Calif., and Leonard of Grapevine, Tex.; five grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Rev. Alvin L. Hosinski, C.S.C., pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call from noon to 9 p.m. Tuesday in  the St. Joseph Funeral Home, where a parish rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.  Mrs. Bojarski was a member of the St. Hedwig's Society, the Apostleship of Prayer and Rosary Society of St. Stanislaus Church



Notes for Stanley J. Bojarski:



Stanley F. Bojarski, 75, of 1049 N. Brookfield St., died at 2:25 p.m. Sunday in his home.  Mr. Bojarski had been ill two years.  He was a retired employee of the Studebaker Corp.  He was born April 14, 1887, in Poland and married Stella Daszynski who survives.  Also surviving are two sons, Joseph of South Bend and Leonard, Dallas, Tex.; a daughter, Mrs. Genevieve Magdalinski, South Bend; five grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann Daszynski and Mrs. Marjorie Wisniewski, both of South Bend and Mrs. Valentina Sebelski, Mishawaka.  Services will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the St. Stanislaus Catholic Church.  Burial will be in St. Joseph's Polish Cemetery.


He was a member of the Studebaker Management Club and the St. Stanislaus Fraternal Aid Society which will recite a rosary at 7:30 p.m. today in Hickey Funeral Home.  He also was a member of the American Society of Tool Engineers and the Father Nieuwland Assembly of 4th Degree Knights of Columbus.  The Knights will recite the rosary at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the funeral home where friends may call after 7 p.m. today.  Pallbearers will be John Lauer, Frank Bojarski, Roman Kil, Victor Slott, Paul Lehner and Eugene Kretchmer.



Children of Stella Daszynski and Stanley Bojarski are:

+      36               i.    Genevieve4 Bojarski, born Private.

        37              ii.    Joseph Bojarski, born 16-September-1914 in South Bend, Indiana; died July-1981 in Englewood, Arapahoe Co., Colorado.  He married Veronica (Verna) Wyremblewski Private; born Private.

        38             iii.    Leonard Bojarski, born Private.



Generation No. 3


        16.  Frank E.4 Geabler (Wladyslaw (Walter)3 Gabler, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born 27-August-1905 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana, and died 07-July-1980 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana.  He married Mary E. Gabacz 26-November-1925 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana.  She was born Abt. 1905, and died Unknown.


Children of Frank Geabler and Mary Gabacz are:

        39               i.    Jane5 Geabler, born Private.

        40              ii.    Elaine Geabler, born Private.

        41             iii.    Dolores Geabler, born Private.



        20.  Andrew4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)25 was born 03-November-1903 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 19-October-1957 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married Clara Czosnowski25 30-January-1923 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.  She was born 10-August-1905 in Bloomington, Illinois, and died 30-October-1973 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Andrew Spychalski:



Andrew J. Spencer, of 56589 Butternut Road. Proprietor of Spencer's Hitching Post, died at 1 p.m. Monday in St. Joseph's Hospital after an illness of two months.  He was born in South Bend Nov. 3, 1903, and on Jan. 30, 1923 he married Miss Clara Czosnowski, who survives.  Mr. Spencer was also employed as a cost accountant at the Studebaker-Packard Corp.  Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Birchfield, of South Bend; two sons, Robert, of Cincinnati, O., and Dale, of South Bend; three grandchildren; three brothers, Stanley, Edwin and Theophil Spychalski, all of South Bend; six sisters, Sister Mary Hilaria of Toledo, O.; Sister Mary Firmina, of Bay City, Mich., both of the Felician Order; Mrs. Honoreda Coles of San Antonio, Tex.; Mrs. Frances Moeller, of Downey, Calif.; Mrs. Irene Jozwiak of South Bend and Mrs. Mary Buczkowski, of Niles.  Friends may call after 6 p.m. today in the St. Joseph Funeral Home Chapel.  Services will be held at 9 a.m.  Thursday in the Holy Family Catholic Church with Rev. Joseph Lesniak, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Polish Cemetery.  Mr. Spencer was secretary of St. Vincent DePaul Society of St. Hedwig's Parish.  He was a member of the West Side Democratic and Civic Club and the Holy Name Society of Holy Family Church.




Notes for Clara Czosnowski:



Services for Mrs. Clara (Kelly) Spencer, 68, of 57250 Alan Road.,  who died Wednesday in the Farris Lombardy Nursing Home after a long illness, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday in Holy Family Catholic Church, with Rev. Joseph G. Lesniak, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home where a rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday.


Mrs. Spencer was born Aug. 10, 1905 in Bloomington, Ill., and had lived in South Bend 67 years.  In 1923, as Clara Czosnowski, she was married to Andrew J. Spencer, who died in 1954.  Surviving are two sons, Robert E. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. And Daniel D. of South Bend; seven grandchildren; a brother, Chester Czosnowski of South Bend and three sisters, Mrs. Josephine Burgoyne of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. Frances Newberry and Mrs. Marie Goetz, both of South Bend.  Mrs. Spencer was a member of the Daughters of Isabella.  Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Joseph Hospital Coronary Care Unit.



Children of Andrew Spychalski and Clara Czosnowski are:

        42               i.    Dale5 Spencer, born Private.

        43              ii.    Robert Spencer, born Private.

        44             iii.    Shirley Spencer, born Abt. 1928 in South Bend, Indiana; died Bef. 1973 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married ? Birchfield; born Abt. 1925; died Aft. 1975 in South Bend, Indiana.



        22.  Anastasius W.4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)26 was born 31-December-1906 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 01-June-1978 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married Mary Klemczewska27 10-July-1928 in South Bend, Indiana, daughter of Jacob Klemczewski and Josephine Basczewska.  She was born Abt. 1907, and died 13-September-1971 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Anastasius W. Spychalski:



Anastasius (Stanley) W. Spychalski, 71, of 56787 State Road 123, died at 9:05 p.m. Thursday in St. Joseph's Hospital after a brief illness.  He was retired from the Indiana Toll Road where he was employed as a maintenance worker.  He was born Dec. 31, 1906 in South Bend and was a lifetime resident of the area.  On July 10, 1928, in South Bend, he married Mary Klemczewski, who died in 1971.  He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Patricia Puecker and Mrs. Joan Horvath, both of South Bend, a son, David of South Bend, five grandchildren, five sisters, Sister Mary Hilary of Livonia, Mich., Sister Mary Firmine, of Alpena, Mich., Mrs. Honoreda Coles of South Bend, Mrs. Mary Buczkowski of Niles and Mrs. Frances Moeller of Downey, Calif., and a brother, Theophil of South Bend.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Holy Family Catholic Church with Rev. Daniel E. Peil, pastor, officiating.  Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home where a parish rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.  He was a member of the West Side Democratic Civic Club and the Harvest House of St. Adalbert's Church.



Notes for Mary Klemczewska:



Mrs. Mary Spychalski, 64, of 56787 St. Road 123, died at 9:45 a.m. today in Memorial Hospital.  The St. Joseph Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements




Mrs. Mary Spychalski, 64, of 56787 St. Road 123, died at 9:45 a.m. Monday in Memorial Hospital after a brief illness.  She was born Feb. 2, 1907 in Pittsburg and had lived here 50 years coming from there.  On July 10, 1928, as Mary Klemczewski, she was married to Anastasius Spychalski, who survives along with a son, David; two daughters, Mrs. Patricia Puecker and Mrs. Joan Horvath, all of South Bend; five grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Sophie Wackowiak of Vandalia Mich., and Mrs. Agnes Schoen of South Bend.


Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home.  Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Holy Family Catholic Church by Rev. Joseph Lesniak, pastor. Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  A parish rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the funeral home.



Marriage Notes for Anastasius Spychalski and Mary Klemczewska:

Marriage Record for Anastasius SPYCHALSKI


    Spouse: Mary KLEMCZEWSKA

    Date: 10 Jul 1928

    B/G: Groom

    Source: Book:042 Page:602

    Record #: license date 1928/08/23

    County and State: St Joseph Co. IN


Children of Anastasius Spychalski and Mary Klemczewska are:

        45               i.    David5 Spychalski, born Private.

        46              ii.    Joan Spychalski, born Private.  She married ? Horvath Private; born Private.

        47             iii.    Patricia M. Spychalski, born 16-December-1932 in South Bend, Indiana; died 09-January-1995 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married Matthew J. Puecker Private; born Private.


Notes for Patricia M. Spychalski:


Dec. 16, 1932 - Jan. 9, 1995


SOUTH BEND - Patricia M. Puecker, 62, of North Iowa Street, died at 8 p.m. Monday in her home after an illness.  Mrs. Puecker was a former employee of Acme Cleaning.  She was born Dec. 16, 1932, in South Bend, and was a lifelong area resident.  On Nov. 17, 1951, in South Bend, as Patricia Spychalski, she married Matthew Puecker.  He survives with a daughter, Deborah Puecker of South Bend; a sister, Joan Horvath of Osceola; and a brother, David Spychalski of South Bend.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Joseph Funeral Home.  Cremation will take place.  Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the funeral home, where the rosary will be said at 6:30p.m.



        24.  Clement S.4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)28,29,30 was born 08-December-1910 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 04-July-1954 in Colbert Lake, Edwardsburg, Michigan.  He married Esther Gorski 03-July-1937 in South Bend, Indiana.  She was born 15-January-1915 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 06-March-1976 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Clement S. Spychalski:



Clement Spychalski, 536 S. Phillipa St., a South Bend Lathe Works employee for 20 years, died of a heart attack at Colbert Lake, Edwardsburg, Mich., at 3 p.m. Sunday.  He was born in South Bend Dec. 8, 1910.  On July 3, 1937, he was married to Miss Esther Gorski, who survives.  He leaves also a son, Marion and a daughter, Germaine; his mother, Mrs. Salomea Spychalski; four brothers, Andrew Spencer and Anastasius, Edwin and Theophil Spychalski, all of South Bend and six sisters, Sister M. Hilaria and Sister M. Firmina of the Order of Felician Sisters, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Honoreda Coles, Mrs. Irene Jozwiak and Mrs. Mary Buczkowski, all of South Bend, and Mrs. Frances Moeller, Downey, Calif.  Friends may call in the Kaniewski and Son Funeral Chapel.  Services will be held in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Thursday.  Burial will be in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens.  The Young Men's Civic Club, of which Mr. Spychalski was a member, will recite the rosary at 9 a.m. Wednesday in the funeral home.  Mr. Spychalski also belonged to the St. Joseph Society of St. Adalbert's Church and South Bend Lathe Works Local 1722, CIO.



Children of Clement Spychalski and Esther Gorski are:

        48               i.    Marion5 Spychalski, born Private.  He married Patricia Private; born Private.

        49              ii.    Germaine Spychalski, born Private.  She married David Wuergler Private; born Private.



        25.  EDWIN JOHN4 SPYCHALSKI (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)30,31 was born 21-August-1912 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana, and died 22-December-1976 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.  He married GENEVIEVE JEAN DELORES LYCZYNSKI 20-June-1936 in South Bend, Indiana, daughter of STANLEY LYCZYNSKI and JULIANNA WLODAREK.  She was born 28-May-1916 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co.,  Indiana, and died 10-August-2003 in New Carlisle, LaPorte Co., Indiana.





Edwin J. Spychalski, 64, of 1631 W. Dunham, died at 6:30 a.m. today in Memorial Hospital after an extended illness.  He was a former employee of South Bend Lathe.  Born on Aug. 21, 1912, in South Bend, he had lived here all his life.  On June 20, 1936, he married the former Genevieve Lyczynski, who survives, along with three daughters, Mrs. Nicolette Crane of Mill Creek, Mrs. Julie Ann Kurdys of South Bend and Mrs. Becky Romary of Ft. Wayne; two sons, John and Bruce, both of South Bend; seven grandchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Mary Buczkowski of Niles, Mich., Mrs. Frances Moeller of Downey, Calif., Mrs. Honoreda Coles of South Bend, Sister M. Hillary of Monroe, Mich., and Sister M. Firmine of Alpena, Mich., and two brothers, Stanley and Phil, both of South Bend.


Services will be at 9 a.m. Friday in St. Casimir's Catholic Church with Rev. Leo C. Wojciechowski, C.S.C., pastor, officiating.  Burial is to be in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today and noon to 9 p.m. Thursday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home where a parish wake will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.  Spychalski was a member of the St. Joseph Young Men's Society.



From Petoskey Michigan News Review:


Genevieve Spychalski, mother of Petoskey resident Bruce Spychalski, passed away Sunday, August 10, 2003, in New Carlisle, Indiana.  She was born May 28, 1916 in South Bend, Indiana to Stanislaw and Juliana Wlodarek Lyczynski.  On June 30, 1936 she was married to Edwin J. Spychalski who passed away Dec. 22, 1976. She retired in 1986 after working for the South Bend School System for 25 years. She is survived by 5 children, Nicolette (Don) Crane of Mill Creek, Indiana, Julie Kurdys and John (Patricia) Spychalski of South Bend, Indiana, Becky (Tom) Romary of Columbia City, Indiana and Bruce (Melanie) Spychalski of Petoskey.  She is also survived by 10 grandchildren, Desiree (Mark) Yohn of South Bend, Darwin (Kris) Crane of LaPorte, Drew Crane of Cincinnatti, Ohio, Jeffery (Mindi) Spychalski of Indianapolis, Tammy (Glen)  Root of Greenfield, Indiana, Tyler Romary of Los Angles, California, Cherise (John)  Williams of Las Vegas, NV, Nicholas and Jennifer Spychalski of Petoskey and Stephan (Kim) Spychalski of Conway.  She is also survived by 7 great grandchildren.  The funeral will be held Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Joseph Funeral Home, South Bend, Indiana.  Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of St. Joseph County, 111 Sunnybrook Ct., South Bend, Indiana, 46601


From South Bend, Indiana Tribune


Vital Statistics: 2003/08/12)

SOUTH BEND -- Genevieve J. Spychalski, 87, of Dunham Street, died Sunday in Hamilton Communities, New Carlisle. Survivors include three daughters, Nicolette Crane of Mill Creek, Julie Kurdys of South Bend and Becky Romary of Columbia City, Ind.; and two sons, John of South Bend and Bruce of Petoskey, Mich. Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Joseph Funeral Home, 824 S. Mayflower Road, where friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and a rosary will be said at 5 p.m.





        50               i.    Nicolette Marie5 Spychalski, born Private.  She married Donald Crane Private; born Private.

        51              ii.    Julianne Marie Spychalski, born Private.  She married Jerome Kurdys Private; born 31-July-1938 in South Bend, Indiana; died 04-March-1992 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Jerome Kurdys:



SOUTH BEND - Jerome 'Jerry' Kurdys, polka band leader and former radio broadcaster for the Polka Party radio show died at 6:05 p.m. Wednesday in St. Joseph's Medical Center of natural causes.  He was 53.  Mr. Kurdys of 2228 N. Johnson St., was the leader of the Jerry Kurdys Band, which was the former George Kurdys Band.  The polka band has been popular on the wedding and banquet circuit in the Polish community.


Mr. Kurdys had been involved in radio broadcasting for nearly 25 years with WNDU-AM, WAMJ-AM and WNIL-AM, Polka Party radio shows began nearly 50 years ago with his father, George.  The younger Kurdys took over forhis father on radio nearly 25 years ago.  He was a former employee of the Indiana State Highway Department for 23 years, former coordinator for Century Center for three years, and a former owner/operator of Carriage House Restaurant.  He also formerly operated Jerry Kurdys' Enterprises Co. Travel Agent & Party Store.


He was a member of Polish Falcons of America, South Bend Teamsters Union, M. R. Falcons, Z. B. Falcons, Polish National Alliance Group 83, West Side Democratic & Civic Club, and Polish Businessmen and was a former member of the Board of Directors of International Polka Association.


Mr. Kurdys was born July 31, 1938, in South Bend and was a lifelong area resident.  On April 20, 1968, in South Bend, he married Julie Ann Spychalski.  She survives with a daughter, Cherise Kurdys of Las Vegas; his mother, Gladys A. Kurdys of South Bend; and a sister, Clara Sziegti of South Bend.


Services will be at 9 a.m. Saturday in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church.  Entombment will be in St. Joseph Mausoleum.  Friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m.  Friday in St. Joseph Funeral Home, where a parish rosary will be said at 4 p.m.


        52             iii.    John Edwin Spychalski, born Private.  He married Patricia Zakraisek Private; born Private.

        53             iv.    Becky Marie Spychalski, born Private.  She married Thomas Romary Private; born 08-July-1943 in Fort Wayne, Indiana; died 10-October-2004 in Whitley County, Indiana.


Notes for Thomas Romary:

Local man killed in collision {The Post and Mail, Columbia City, Indiana, October 11, 2004}


By Rebecca L. Sandlin

Staff writer


An accident that occurred about 6:30 p.m. Sunday on state Route 9 and county Road 500 North involving a truck hauling grain killed the driver of a minivan, who ran into the back of the truck.


Whitley County Sheriff's Department investigating deputy Tony Helfrich said Thomas G. Romary, 61, Columbia City was pronounced dead at the scene.


The driver of the grain truck, Dennis Conrad, 59, Columbia City was not injured.


The minivan briefly caught fire after impact. A state police accident reconstructionist was called to the scene and traffic on S.R. 9 was stopped for several hours.


Helfrich was assisted by Sgt. Mike Engle of the Whitley County Sheriff's Department, Indiana State Police, Whitley County EMS and the Thorncreek Township Fire Department.


The accident is still under investigation.


In an accident that occurred Thursday on C.R. 900S and C.R. 250W, three people remain hospitalized.


Thomas E. Reust, 20, Huntington and Jonathon Spencer, 22, Huntington were both listed in critical condition in a Fort Wayne hospital Monday morning, while Katie A. Niemann, 20, Huntington is listed in serious condition.


The three were in a vehicle driven by Reust when it collided with a vehicle driven by Jennifer Bolinger, 23, Huntington. Bolinger was treated and released.


Posted on Tue, Oct. 12, 2004



Crashes claim 2 in Whitley, Kosciusko


By Laura Johnston


The Journal Gazette



Two men died in separate car crashes this week in counties west of Fort Wayne.

Thomas G. Romary, 61, of Columbia City, was killed about 6:30 p.m. Sunday when his 2003 Ford minivan struck the back of a grain truck on Indiana 9, north of Columbia City, Whitley County Sheriff’s Deputy Tony Helfrich said.

The wooden-sided truck was driving slowly north on Indiana 9, carrying its load to a farm when it was rear-ended by the minivan near County Road 500 North, he said. The truck had its lights on but did not have hazard lights flashing or a triangular, slow-moving vehicle sign, Helfrich said.

The grain truck driver, Dennis Conrad, 59, of Columbia City was taken by car to Parkview Whitley Hospital, he said. He was not seriously injured.

Helfrich did not know how fast either vehicle was traveling, whether alcohol was involved in the crash or why the minivan struck the grain truck. An autopsy is pending for Romary, he said.

The minivan was totaled. Romary was not wearing a seat belt, Helfrich said.



From the Columbia City Post and Mail, Oct. 13, 2004


Thomas G. Romary, 61


July 8, 1943 - Oct. 10, 2004


Thomas G. Romary, 61, died Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004.


Born in Fort Wayne on July 8, 1943, he was a son of Gerald F. and Alice (Schiffli) Romary.


A member of St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, he was a teacher at Indiana Tech, IPFW and Concordia Universities.


Survivors include his wife Becky, whom he married on Aug. 16. 1969; a son, Tyler Romary of Los Angeles, Calif.; a daughter, Tammy Root of Greenfield; two grandchildren; and sisters, Shirley Vorndran, Nancy Dunfee and Vickilou Wyss, all of Fort Wayne.


He was preceded in death by his parents.


A memorial mass is at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 14, at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church in Columbia City. Gathering of relatives and friends is one hour prior to the service.


Arrangements are by D.O. McComb & Sons Lakeside Park Funeral Home, 1140 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne.


Preferred memorials are to SCAN or Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne.



Thomas G. Romary   


 THOMAS G. ROMARY, 61, died Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004. Born in Fort Wayne, he was a Teacher at Indiana Tech, IPFW and Concordia Universities. He was a member of St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church. Survivors include wife, Becky of Columbia City; son, Tyler of Los Angeles, Calif.; daughter, Tammy Root of Greenfield; two grandchildren; sisters, Shirley Vorndran, Nancy Dunfee and Vickilou Wyss, all of Fort Wayne. He was preceded in death by parents, Gerald and Alice Romary. Memorial Mass is 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, Columbia City. Gathering of relatives and friends one hour prior to service. Arrangments by D.O. McComb & Sons Lakeside Park Funeral Home, 1140 Lake Ave. Preferred Memorials to, SCAN or Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne.

Published in the Fort Wayne Newspapers on 10/13/2004. 





        54              v.    BRUCE MARTIN NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI, born Private.  He married MELANIE SUE MARKS Private; born Private.



        26.  Irene4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)32 was born 28-September-1914 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 21-January-1972 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married Stanley Jozwiak33.  He was born 03-September-1907 in Chicago, Illinois, and died 07-February-1983 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Stanley Jozwiak:



Stanley F. Jozwiak, 75, of 56303 Chapel Lane, died at 1:30 a.m. today in his home, following an extended illness.  He was retired from Burke's Audio Visual Center.  Born on Sept. 3, 1907 in Chicago, Jozwiak had lived in South Bend  most of his life.  On Nov. 23, 1932, in South Bend, he married Irene Spychalski, who died in 1972.  He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Rita Finley and Mrs. Christina Scott, both of South Bend; a son, Arthur Jozwiak of Hanna, Ind.; 10 grandchildren; two great grandchildren; two sisters Mrs. Marie Wesolowski and Mrs. Cecelia Nowak, both of South Bend; and two brothers, Edwin and Emil Jozwiak, both of South Bend.


Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in the St. Joseph Funeral Home.  He was a member of the West Side Democratic and Civic Club and the Fraternal Order of Moose Lodge 58.



Children of Irene Spychalski and Stanley Jozwiak are:

        55               i.    Christina5 Jozwiak, born Private.

        56              ii.    Rita Jozwiak, born Private.

        57             iii.    Arthur Jozwiak, born Private.



        28.  Theophil A.4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)34 was born 07-November-1919 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 24-November-1984 in South Bend, Indiana.  He married Evelyn Kujawa Private.  She was born Private.


Notes for Theophil A. Spychalski:



Theophil A. Spychalski, 65, of 416 S. Grant Street, died at 5:47 p.m. Saturday in St. joseph's Medical Center.  He was retired from South Bend Escan Corp., formerly known as South Bend Range Co.  Born Nov. 7, 1919, in South Bend, he lived here all his life.  On Nov. 12, 1945, in South Bend, he married Evelin Kujawa.  She survives along with a daughter, Jackqueline Sears of Largo, Fla,; a son, James of South Bend; seven grandchildren; and five sisters, Sister Mary Hiliary of Livonia, Mich, Sister Mary Firmine of Redford, Mich., Honoreda Coles of South Bend, Mary Buczkowski of Niles, Mich., and Frances Moellar of Downey, Calif.


Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church and burial will follow in St. Joseph Cemetery.  Friends may call until 9 p.m. today at the St. Joseph Funeral Home, where a parish rosary will be recited at 7:15 p.m. today.  He was a veteran of World War II, a member of Pulaksi............


Children of Theophil Spychalski and Evelyn Kujawa are:

        58               i.    James5 Spychalski, born Private.

        59              ii.    Jacqueline M. Spychalski, born 22-December-1947 in South Bend, Indiana; died 30-April-2006 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.  She married (1) ? Sears Private; born Private.  She married (2) Oarton H. Adams 14-October-1989 in South Bend, Indiana; born 26-September-1938 in South Bend, Indiana; died 20-May-2005 in South Bend, Indiana.


Notes for Jacqueline M. Spychalski:

Jacqueline M. Adams

Dec. 22, 1947 - April 30, 2006


SOUTH BEND - Jacqueline M. Adams, 58, died Sunday in her home of natural causes. Survivors include two daughters, Sarah Fava of Largo, Fla., and Stacey Knowles of Clearwater, Fla.; a son, Scott Sears of Largo; her mother, Evelin Spychalski of Mishawaka; and a brother James "Spider" Spychalski of South Bend. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Kaniewski Funeral Home, 3545 N. Bendix Drive, where friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday.







Notes for Oarton H. Adams:

Death notice: Oarton H. Adams Jr.

Sept. 26, 1938 -- May 20, 2005





SOUTH BEND -- Oarton H. Adams Jr., 66, of Francis Road, died Friday in his home after an illness. Survivors include his wife, Jacqueline (Spychalski); four daughters, Vickie Kring of South Bend, Roberta Anand of New Orleans, Susan Thornberg of Elkhart and Laurie Anchors of Florida; three sons, Jimmy and Mike, both of Florida and Kenny of Mishawaka; a stepdaughter, Sarah Fava of Florida; a stepson, Scott Sears of Florida; and a sister, Reathel French of South Bend. Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Kaniewski Funeral Home, 3545 N. Bendix Drive, where friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.


Obituary: Oarton H. Adams Jr.

Sept. 26, 1938 -- May 20, 2005





Oarton H. Adams Jr., 66, of Francis Road in South Bend, Indiana, passed away after an illness on Friday, May 20, 2005, in his home.


Mr. Adams was born on September 26, 1938, in South Bend, to the late Oarton H. Sr. and Grace (Doll) Adams. He retired in 1997 from Steel Warehouse as a truck driver.


On October 14, 1989, he married the former Jacqueline Spychalski, who survives. Surviving with his wife are his children, Vickie (Rick) Kring of South Bend, Roberta (Rene) Anand of New Orleans, Louisiana, Susan Thornberg of Elkhart, Indiana, Jimmy (Tammy) Adams of Florida, Kenny Adams of Mishawaka, Indiana, Mike (Heather) Adams of Florida and Laurie (Robert) Anchors of Florida; a stepdaughter, Sarah (Robert) Fava of Florida; a stepson, Scott (Janet) Sears of Florida; 16 grandchildren and 11 step-grandchildren; and his sister, Reathel (Dick) French of South Bend.


Visitation will be held from 2 to 8 PM Tuesday, May 24, 2005, in the Kaniewski Funeral Home, 3545 N. Bendix Drive, South Bend, Indiana. Funeral services will be at 11 AM Wednesday, May 25, 2005, in the Kaniewski Funeral Home, with Rev. David Jenkins officiating.


Mr. Adams was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and enjoyed flying as a private pilot.


Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1599 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.


To sign the online guestbook, please visit



        60             iii.    Stephen Thomas Spychalski35, born 1949 in South Bend, Indiana; died 1949 in South Bend, Indiana.



        29.  Mary C.4 Spychalski (SALOMEA3 DASZYNSKI, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1)36 was born 12-September-1922 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 26-March-1995 in South Bend, Indiana.  She married Billy Buczkowski 30-October-1948 in South Bend, Indiana, son of Michael Buczkowski and Pauline Latowski.  He was born 12-February-1918 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 11-July-2000 in Livonia, Michigan.


Notes for Mary C. Spychalski:


Sept. 12, 1922 - March 26, 1995


Niles---Mary C. Buczkowski, 72, of 1280 Woodland Avenue., died at 4:50 a.m. Sunday in St. Joseph's Medical Center, South Bend, of natural causes.  Mrs. Buczkowski was born Sept. 12, 1922, in South Bend.  On Oct. 30, 1948, in South Bend, Ind., she married Billy S. Buczkowski.  He survives with a son, Bradley A. of Saginaw, Mich; and two sisters, Sister M. Firmine of Livonia, Mich., and Frances Moeller of Downey, Calif.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in St. Mary's Catholic Church.  Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.  Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday in Pifer-Smith Funeral Home where a rosary will be said at 7 p.m.


( Aunt Mary didn't die of Natural Causes, she had stomach cancer)


Notes for Billy Buczkowski:

Billy S. Buczkowski


            Feb. 12, 1918 - July 11, 2000


            Billy "Butch" S. Buczkowski, 82, of 1280 Woodland Avenue, Niles, Mich., died of natural

            causes on Tuesday, July 11, in St. Marys Hospital, Livonia, Mich.


            He was born on Feb. 12, 1918, in South Bend, Ind. He was a carpenter for Local Union

            413, a U.S. Navy veteran, a 24 year member of the Edwardsburg American Legion, a 3rd

            degree Knights of Columbus, and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Niles.


            He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary C. on March 26, 1995.


            He is survived by a son, Bradley Buczkowski of Canton, Mich.; four brothers, Leonard

            Buczkowski of Granger, Ind., Casy Buczkowski of South Bend, Joe Buczkowski of

            Mishawaka, Ind., and Frank Buczkowski of Edwardsburg; and by a grandchild.


            Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday, July 17, in St. Mary's Catholic Church, with burial at

            Calvary Cemetery, Niles.


            Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. on Sunday, July 16, in the Pifer-SMITH Funeral Home,

            Niles, where a Rosary will be said at 7 p.m.


            Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association, or to the Donor's Choice.


Child of Mary Spychalski and Billy Buczkowski is:

        61               i.    Bradley5 Buczkowski, born Private.  He married Kazimiera Bonikowski Private; born Private.



        33.  Edward J.4 Daszynski (Maximillian3, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born 06-March-1918 in Crumstown. St. Joseph County, Indiana, and died 16-January-2007 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana.  He married Bernice Minne Private.  She was born Private.


Notes for Edward J. Daszynski:

January 19. 2007 6:59AM

Edward J. Daszynski

March 6, 1918 - Jan. 16, 2007


SOUTH BEND - Edward Joseph Daszynski, 88, of South Bend, passed away on Tuesday, January 16, in Hospice House, South Bend.


Edward was born on March 6, 1918, in St. Joseph County, IN, as the son of Maxamillion and Mary Ann (Bojarski) Daszynski. He was born in the family home located in Crumstown, IN. There were five siblings, namely Chester, born Aug 26, 1913, Evelyn, born Nov 16, 1915, Edward, born March 6, 1918, Winifred, born May 26, and Donald born March 18, 1925. A grandson, Troy Hillaert, preceded him in death.


Surviving are his wife, Bernice; a son, Larry (Lynn) Daszynski of Sarasota, FL; a daughter, Carol Hillaert of South Bend; four grandchildren, Todd and Trent Hillaert, and Brad and Kelly Daszynski; three great-grandchildren, Joseph, Brigette and Nicole Hillaert; and a sister, Winifred V. Fester of Hayward, CA.


The first and only factory job was Wilson Brothers, 1936 to 1941. Jan. 16, 1941, he was inducted into the Army. He spent four-and-one-half years in the service, three-and-one-half years overseas. His outfit the NINETY-FIRST RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON. He trained at Ft. Bliss, Texas, Louisiana Maneuvers and Desert Training Center in California.


The 91st Rcn. Sq. led the way from Casa Blanca, Africa, to Tunis and Beserti. Later his unit invaded Sicily; they fought their way up the west coast of Italy. They were the first to contact Anzio troops, the first to enter Naples, and the first to enter Rome. He returned home July 1, 1945.


In January 1946 he married Bernice Minne of Mishawaka at St. Bavo Catholic Church. He established Mishawaka Lath & Plaster Co. as a subcontractor in 1950. He and his crew plastered schools, churches and commercial buildings. He was instrumental in the development of Berkley Square Apartments. He built five commercial buildings, as he loved construction. Later in his retirement years he built 14 doll houses, several model railroads, the family farm house, a peppermint still, and a log cabin, most of which was given away and donated to the Center for History.


He also wrote stories of families who lived in Crumstown, IN, the title of which is “CRUMSTOWN FAMILY LIFE AND HISTORY” donated to the South Bend Library. Also he collected war stories of veterans of World War II; he put them in notebook form and they can be read in the South Bend Library. He loved to make things of wood; then he would give them away.


His retirement years were spent in Osprey, FL, and at Diamond Lake, MI, where he enjoyed fishing.


Through the years he enjoyed hunting, fishing, bowling, pool and wood-working. Edward was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend.


Friends may visit from 3 to 7 p.m. today, January 19, in the Hahn Funeral Home, 505 W. 8th Street, Mishawaka, where wake prayers will be said at 3:30 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, January 20, in St. Jude Catholic Church, South Bend, with Rev John Delaney officiating.


Memorial contributions may be made in Edward's name to The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care, 111 Sunnybrook Court, South Bend, IN 46637; to St. Jude Catholic Church, 19704 Johnson Road, South Bend, IN 46614; or to the charity of the donor's choice.


To leave the family an online condolence or to share memories with the Daszynski family, please visit


Children of Edward Daszynski and Bernice Minne are:

        62               i.    Carol5 Daszynski, born Private.  She married Albert Hillaert Private; born Private.

        63              ii.    Larry Daszynski, born Private.  He married Lynn Palmer Smith Private; born Private.



        34.  Winnifred4 Daszynski (Maximillian3, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born Private.  She married Eugene Fessler Private.  He was born Private.


Children of Winnifred Daszynski and Eugene Fessler are:

        64               i.    Child5 Fessler, born Private.

        65              ii.    Child Fessler, born Private.

        66             iii.    Child Fessler, born Private.

        67             iv.    Child Fessler, born Private.

        68              v.    Child Fessler, born Private.

        69             vi.    Child Fessler, born Private.

        70            vii.    Child Fessler, born Private.



        35.  Daniel4 Daszynski (Maximillian3, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born 18-March-1925 in South Bend, Indiana, and died 26-June-2000 in Antioch, Contra Costa, California.  He married Carleen (Ollie) Sapenfield 21-July-1946 in Oakland, California.  She was born Abt. 1928, and died Aft. June-2000.


Notes for Daniel Daszynski:

Donald Daefield


            March 18, 1925 - June 26, 2000


            SOUTH BEND — Donald (Daszynski) Daefield, 75, of Brentwood, Calif., formerly of South

            Bend, died June 26 in Antioch, Calif. Survivors include his wife, Ollie; two daughters,

            Charleen Daefield of San Leandro, Calif., and Donna Becnel of Brentwood; a sister, Winnie

            Fesler of Hayward, Calif.; and a brother, Edward Daszynski of South Bend. Memorial

            services were held June 30 in First Presbyterian Church of Hayward, Castro Valley, Calif.

            Chapel of the Pines Funeral Home, Hayward, handled arrangements.


Children of Daniel Daszynski and Carleen Sapenfield are:

        71               i.    Charlene5 Daefield, born Private.

        72              ii.    Donna Daefield, born Private.  She married Chris Bicknel Private; born Private.



        36.  Genevieve4 Bojarski (Stella3 Daszynski, AGNES2 LOBODA, ANDREW1) was born Private.  She married Stanley Magdalinski Private.  He was born 08-September-1916, and died 11-November-2000 in South Bend, Indiana.


Children of Genevieve Bojarski and Stanley Magdalinski are:

        73               i.    Monica5 Magdalinski, born Private.  She married Richard Corbin Private; born Private.

        74              ii.    Joanne Magdalinski, born Private.  She married (1) James Tomassi Private; born Private.  She married (2) Donald Moore Private; born Private.






1.  Name found in Parish Record of Internment.

2.  date taken from church record.

3.  date taken from marriage license.

4.  date taken from church record.

5.  Name found on  baptismal record.

6.  date taken from church record.

7.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

8.  World War I Draft Registration Card.

9.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

10.  1910 South Bend, IN, Census, Ward 2.

11.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

12.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

13.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

14.  1880 South Bend City Census.

15.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

16.  1910 Census, South Bend, Indiana, ED #184, 14 B.

17.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

18.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

19.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

20.  Obtained from Marriage Licence on file in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

21.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

22.  Obtained from Marriage Licence on file in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

23.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

24.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary," 33.

25.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

26.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary," 28.

27.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

28.  Social Security Information.

29.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

30.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

31.  Information found in Obituary.

32.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

33.  "South Bend Tribune Obituary."

34.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.

35.  Information received from Marion Spychalski.

36.  1930 6th Ward, Portage Twp., ED 71-37, Sheet 2A, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana Census.