Churches in St. Joseph County, IN

History of the Churches

There are many churches in St. Joseph County

If you have other histories that you would like to submitted please feel free to send to the Co. Coordinator.

Many of these are in the Immigration web pages, If you have updates on these churches that you would like to add please do so.

Calvary Baptist Church in South Bend
Holy Cross
Olivet AME Church
Our Lady of Hungary
Parish of Sacred Heart, South Bend, In
Sacred Heart - ND
St. Adalbert
St. Bavo
St. Casimir
St. Hedwig
St. Joseph - Mishawaka
St. Joseph - South Bend
St. Mary's of Assumption
St Mary's of the Holy Rosary
St. Monica
St. Patrick
St. Stanislaus
St. Stanislaus Kostka
St Stephen's




Started: June 05, 2011 - Updated: 10 September, 2015 07:01:44 PM

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