Steuben County Obituaries

The obituaries that are listed here are only for Steuben County, Indiana.

Please help by submitting obituaries that have Steuben County connections.
 If you would like to send the obituary as an attachment, please send it as a TEXT or HTML file.

Submit Obituary

To view Steuben County Obituaries that have been submitted online, click the letter below.

A - B - C | D - E - F | G - H I- J - K - LM - N - O - P - Q R - S | T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

To view the Fremont Historical Society Obituary Index, click the letter below.
Obituaries listed in the index are available by submitting a request.
New obituaries are being added often to the Fremont Historical Society Collection,
and all new obituaries may not be listed in the index yet.
Contact the Fremont Historical Society if there is a particular name you are interested in but don't see in the index.
 See the instructions on each index page.
Index Compiled by George (Bill) Snyder and Joyce Lomont-Crowl

A  -  B  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  F  -  G  -  H  -  I  -  J  -  K  -  L  -  M  -  N  -  O  -  P  -  Q  -  R  -  S  -  T  -  U  -  V  -  W  -  X  -  Y  -  Z

Doris Sickles Smith Collection

To request an Obituary from the Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, click the the link below.
An Exact Death Date is Required.

Request an Obituary from the Library

To view the Steuben County Obituary Message Board, click the link below.

Obituary Message Board

Any suggestions or comments should be directed to:
Mindee Gleason