Loma Baker's Diary

Names/places mentioned:
Jan.    3:      Relates marriage of Cora (d/o Loma & Frank Baker) & Don (Essex)
                    on Sep. 2, 1922, in West Point, MI.
        11:     Silver Lake aide 25 present at B Neunam (Bertha Newnam a cousin of
                    Loma Baker’s); Mrs. Kaywood [blocks were pieced for her]
        12:     Blanche (d/o Loma & Frank Baker) has a new sedan car
        16      Bought oil of Mr. Call.  Mr. Shank butchered feef for FB
        17      Earl came after quarter of beef, 100 lbs 12 cts.  FB went to Lodge.
        19      FB (Frank Baker) went to lodge; Gertrude G at Blanche's
        20      FB went to lodge; I canned 15 qts of beef.
        21 [S] Ray D., Blanche, Gertrude Golden her Higgens went to La Grange.
        23 [M] FB walked over to Allin Wiggins to look for a fat hog to butcher;
                    Allen and Earl Wiggins and FB, Bert Wilcok went to Auburn to help in the
                    in the 'anitory' at the IOOF lodge.  Mrs. Wiggins was here.
        25 [Th} FB split logs on the log pile [old house].
        27 [Sa} MB (Mildred Baker, d/o Loma & Frank Baker), Cora & Don took
                    teacher's exam.  FB to lodge in pm
        29 [M] Cora & I went to Blanches. Cora Crowl (sister to Loma Baker) went
                    to BH Pa (Jacob Wolf) went to the GAR meeting; we got a dressed hog from
                    Al Wiggins.
        30      John Clark came and rewrote insurance policy.
        31      FB & I went to Kemmerlings (Cort, Jennie, Betty: Jennie was a
                    sister-in-law to Peter Wolf, s/o Jacob & Elizabeth Menges Wolf) in eve,
                    Jennie sick with jaundis.

Feb.  1      Cora went to Monroe to look at a house to go to housekeeping.
                    Mrs. Frank Drenning [Sarah J. Menges aunt to Loma Baker] had Mt. Zion Aid
         5      Troas (granddaughter of Sue Baker Crain sister of Frank Baker) here
                    in the afternoon.
         8      Blanche had the Silver Lake Aid, I knotted 1 large & 1 small comfort
                    hemmed 27 sacking dish and 5 hand towles 4 sheets about 35 ate dinner.
         9 [F] Sue (sister of Frank Baker; wife of Chester P. Crain) & Troas
                    spent the day with Cora and I.  FB went to Bill Dellors (Deller?) sale.
        10      FB traded horses with Mr. Droosliel, traided Sam, Gray [horse] and
                    $100 for 2 bays Maud & Bell, 6 yrs. old.
        13 [Tu]FB went to Joe Kinnus sale.
        18  Lady's Aid day, abut 17 ladies 6 children 2 men knotted 3 comforters
                    1 mattress sewed rug rags.  a fine pot luck dinner.  oyster supper in the
                    eve.  34 present and a fine time
        20      Jennie & Betty (Kemmerlings) came p.m. FB had his horses shod today
        22      FB took Cora & I to Zadah N (Nichols) to the Aid, had good dinner
                    fine time.  FB halling wood from Grandpa B's farm (Edward Baker’s farm).
        23      Fine day quite cold Cora C., Aunt Dene (aunt of Loma Baker’s & sister
                    to Elizabeth Menges) Pa came for the day.  FB Cort went to a sale am.  FB
                    halled wood pm
        24      Don, Cora, Mildred & I went to Dell Stainers to a party in eve.  FB
                    went to lodge
        28 Lola, Mack (grandson, Mack Hosack) & I went over to Crowls (Peter
                    Crowl m. Cora Wolf, Loma’s sister) to quilt.  Aunt Dene S. was there

Mar  1       FB went to Cole's to sale, Sue, Troas, Frank Dauf came in eve.
                    Maud Goodale here to dinner.  FB helped Sam Manahan a.m.; S.M. helped him
                    p.m..  FB went to lodge
         2      FB went to Stanley Castel sale.
         5      Beautiful warm - sunshiney.  I washed ironed and made 38 cakes of
                    hard soap [3 cans of lye 15 lbs of grease]  Sam-Frank sawed trees for us
                    am and foar Sam afternoon Frank petty tiard he said.
         7      FB sold veil calf to Shank weight about 160 lbs, price $23.
         8      I went with MB to Blanches to go to Ida May KanCamps to Ladys Aid.  I
                    helped Blanche to put 25 qts of beef in qt cans  before going about 8
                    ladies present at the Aid.
         9      Cora C.- Dene came spent the day.
        10      We all [Cora, MB, FB, & I] went to the Odd Fellow Carnival in the
                    eve, Aunt Dene Spig.. and Cora C visited Blanche today Dene went to
                    Fremont on evening traine.
        17 [Sa} MB went to institute Mary Benfer went with her
        20      FB went to Orland lodge in the evening [IOOF].
        22      We went to the Rebecka lodge 8 members taken in
        23      Quite chilley.  FB finished sewing clover seed on the North farm
                    sowed   14 acres.
        25      Quite pleasant in morning very cold at night.  MB - I went to SS -
                    church Rollo (Lola Baker’s husband)- Lola (d/o Loma & Frank Baker), Burta
                    & Lura came pm (Rollo Walter, his parents, Burritt & Lou Walter)
        26      Thermomiter 12 above zero to cold to wash FB sewed clover seed on
                    northside road. I trimmed my summer hat in poses.
        28      Lola came in a.m. but not cold in her nice Dodge car with a
                    heater.  She Mack I went to P Lake to look at  dresses and coats did not
                    get any.

Apr   1      Pete Wolf's were over to Kemmerlings today.  I was there in the
                    eve. Sue – Troas & Frankers were here.
         2      FB had headache a.m. helped Cort K. buzz wood p.m.
         3      Rainey did mending a.m. made Betty K. gingham dress p.m.
         4      Cloudy.  FB helped Cort K buzz wood a.m.
         6      FB went to North farm for a load of wood.  I swept dusted baked bread
                    sewed.  Mrs. Jonson, Blanche (wife of Ray D. Hosack, d/o Loma & Frank
                    Baker), Mack came p.m.  FB went lodge with George.
         7      MB went to Institute
         8      Aunt Dean went from Fremont to her home in Quincy, Mich today.  R.
                    McNaughton (m. a niece of Aunt Dean/Dene) took her.
        10      Troas Saul here all day
        11      Cloudy rained some.  Lola came we went to Cora Crowl's.  Lola-Minnie
                    (w/o Glenn Crowl, nephew of Loma Baker) went to P. Lake.
        13      Guy Bear delivered hose .95
        16      Quite cold windy washed a.m. went to LaGrange p.m. with Ray D.
                    (Hosack), Blanche, Mack.  Ray D. - I came home the rest stayed for a few
                    days.  Sue-Troas came p.m. for sitting
        18      Harry Dove - FB went to Eugene Dotts for oats.
        21      Cora & Glen (Crowl)came for eggs.  Cora-Don (Essex)came.  MB went
                    with Margiret Anderson to the 8th grade commencement.  FB went to lodge
        25      Fine weather. I washed ironed went to Jennies a little while.
        26      FB went to Odd Fellows Annual
        27      Fine.  Rollo-Lola came early before Mildred went to her school they
                    went to Montgomery, MI on business.  Mack went with them.  They were all
                    here to dinner.  Mildred and I went to House that Jack Built in eve,
                    rained in eve.
        28      Fine day.  FB plowing. Mildred & Dewan went to Monroe to visit Cora &
                    Don for the first time.  FB went to lodge.  I went to Blanches.
        29      Sunshine cold wind.  Ray D. & Mack came took me to SS, afternoon Ray
                    D., Blanche, Mack, FB -I went to Dannie Wheaton got 500 strawberry
        30      FB-I set 250 strawberry plants a.m.
May  1      FB-I set 250 strawberry plants.
         3      Fine I washed-ironed. baked bread and 43 buns for MB last day of
                    school at Sandhill.  James-Naomi-Nellie (Naomi sister to Frank Baker)
                    -Sue-Troas were here in afternoon. [Cora-Don came in eve went to BHs].
                    FB better. dragged East field.
         4      Fine. Pete-Rosa- (Peter Wolf, brother to Loma Baker & his wife, Rosa
                    Hanna)came took me to Uncle Hiram Dellors funeral at Mt. Zion.
         6      Good day.  Rollo-Don came from LaGrange this morning all here to
                    dinner I went home with Cora & Don.
         7      Fine.  Mrs. Essex (mother of Don Essex) washed for herself and Cora.
                    I was to here to her house to dinner in eve.  Went to Don's sister's Mrs.
                    Nelsons spent the eve.
         8      Shower last night fine in morning cooler and cooler wind in west.
                    Snow I came on train from Monroe to LaGrange Lola met me.  I stayed with
                    them.  Cora went to the train with me at Monroe
         13     Cool and clear Mildred I went to Sun. School [Mothers Day] and
                    Church then called on Aunt Mag Menges she is sick has a nurse afternoon.
                    FB and I called on Sam Manahan.  FB called on Rollen Philips paid off a
                    noat of $150.00 and 2 yrs. interest at .07.
        14      Good day.  We washed did part of ironing. went to Crowls Mack went
                    with us. stayed all night.
        15      Rainy.  Got new curtains for parlor and bedroom.  p.m. Mildred-I went
                    to Crowls- Pa loaned me $300. at .04 intrest for 5 yrs.  Mrs. Hosack
                    Blanche-Mack. Cora-Don came in eve.  They went home with Blanche.
        20      Cora, Don went home this morning Mildred went with them.  Lola, Rollo
                    came in morning Pa and him went fishing caught 18 fish had them for
        21      Cool.  I washed. FB dragged his corn I went to Sue C.
                    (Crain) after dinner. Mildred phoned from Monro telling me Cora had a
                    baby girl born 210 p.m weight 8 lbs name Jean Ann.  Mildred came to
                    LaGrange on evening traine Lola brought her home stayed all night.
        25      Fine painted kitchen FB dragged corn.  Jennie, Betty eve, came p.m.
        27      Fine.  Rollo-Lola-Blanche-Mack I went to Cora at Monroe found them
                    doing well Jene Anne slept all the time we had a fine time got home
                    before dark. Mildred took dinner with DeWan.  FB stayed at home.
        28      Fine FB helping set end post on his fense between us and Giffords. I
                    washed, Mildred decorated church for 8th gd contest.  We all went in eve.
        29      Theo Ritter FB building fense on north side road.  Mildred and I cut
                    out ratine dress.  Mrs. Hosack (Mrs. Walter Hosack, Ray D.’s mother),
                    Blanche, Mack came p.m. Mack stayed.  We took him home.
        30      Fine Theo Ritter FB building fense.  Ray D.-BH-Mack-Lola-Rollo here
                    to chicken dinner. Lola-Rollo went fishing caught 37 fish a.m. we all
                    went to town p.m. buit dad-Theo.  Blanche-Mack-I went to Crowls p.m. to
                    see Hearold Spigelmyre (s/o Dene Menges Spigelmyre) and wife, Elnora
                    McNaughton Aunt Dean in p.m.
Jun    2      FB went to lodge p.m., MB went 8 grade contest Flint
         4      MB went to register for summer term of T.S.C. they came back to
                    supper.  Lola came with Agnes Stunk when she came to T.S.C.
         5      1st band concert, rained
         6      Crowls came got tomato-cabbage plants we planted some potatoes
                    Troas came spent the day
         8      ..got our little chicks 70 out of 250 eggs.  Arthur Fields hatched
                    them went to town....
        10      Sun. Fine.  Mildred went to SS. Mack came home with her - Rollo-
                    Lola, Ray D. Blanche, Mack, Mr.-Mrs. MaChomb & baby came p.m.
        13      Wed. ..took Mrs. Geo Diviney to Ft. Wayne hospital.
        14      ..I worked the garden then picked the first strawberries.  Worked on
                    my  dress [gingham].  Jennie, Evelyn, Betty came over p.m.
        15      Fri.  FB plowing corn.  Lola came she took me to Dr. Lake for
                    treatment for my leg.
        16      Sat....Blanche, Mack, Mildred went to visit Cora at Monroe p.m.
        17      Sun... I could not go to SS, no one to go with.  Crowl's family came
                    p.m.  Russel North (nephew of Frank Baker) and Mr. Kingleys folks stopped
                    a few minutes.
        21      Th.  very warm 90 degrees.  Lola came early. James, Naomi, & Nellie
                    came went fishing.  B.H., LW, (2 daughters, Blanche & Lola) got me a new
                    voil dress paid $12.
        22      Fri.  ..went to Jennies, Sue-Troas came in eve....
        24      Sun.  ..FB -I went to Edd B (brother of Frank Baker) afternoon.
        25      Mon. ..Mildred -I went to Flint to get wicks put in oil stove a.m.
                    She went to T.S.C. p.m. FB plowing corn.
        27      Wed.  ...I made a pen for our little chicks out by the maple tree 49
                    chicks.  Had our first peas for dinner, painted kitchen floors.

July   1      Sun.  Cora, Don, Jean Ann came.  Jean Ann's first visit.  Rollo –
                    Lola.  Mack had operation for tonsils and adenoids by Cameron and Dr.
                    Mary R.
         5      Thurs.  ...Burt Manahan's house burned.
         8      Sun. warm.  MB went to SS FB went to the other place. Cora-Jean
                    Ann-    I stayed at home  Ray D. Dad went to butler to ball game.
                    Erna-   Blanche Spearo (niece of Frank Baker) came p.m. also.BH, Mack.
                    Cora, Jean Ann, Blanche, Mack, and I went to Edd ...
         11     Wed.  warm & showery all day.  finished ironing, sewed on Cora's
                    dress.  Cora-Mildred went to town p.m. FB had horses shod.  Pete Wolfs
                    family called here.
        13      Fri.  ...Cora, Jean Ann, Mildred, I all went to Guy Sanders to ice
                    cream social.  large crowd good time.
        14      Sat. very warm.  Cora, Jean Ann, I went to Pleasant Lake to Dr. Lakes
                    for my soar leg.  Fred Rice cutting wheat.
        15      Sun. ...Lola-Rolla-Mr.-Mrs. Walters came p.m. we went to see Sue
                    (Crain) in eve  Dick C.(grandnephew of Loma Baker) had operation for A-T.
        16      Mon. ...Cora & Mildred went rasberring on Sue’s farm.  each got 1/2
        18      Wed.  warm Cora began painting my bedroom.  FB making hay on north
                    farm.  Lola-Cora-Jean Ann & I took a picnick under the oak tree by the
                    side of the road Troas came a.m. Mr.-Mrs. Fred Powers-son came in eve.
                    Lola brought candels and had birthday cake for supper for Cora.  Evelyn
                    came for yeast.  Mr. Tom Lydal helped FB p.m....
        19      Thurs.  Warm - FB working at the hay we had another picnic dinner at
                    north farm - Lola- Cora- Jean Ann - FB - I Lola -Cora finished my bedroom
                    painting looks fine....
        23      Mon.  cooler fine in a.m. rained p.m. Tom Lydal helped FB hall wheat
                    a.m. Troas & Mary Clyne came p.m.
        24      Tues.  ...Pa, Cora, Glen, Minnie, Dick came - Blanche- Mack here to
                    dinner.  FB pulling weeds, kids went fishing.  FB, Cora, Jean Ann, I - MB
                    & DK went to band concert eve.
        26      Thurs.  .....Lola got me a "Chantauqua" ticket $2.75 - Cora also got
                    her a "chantaugua ticket $2.75....
        28      Sat.  ...we did Sat. work, went to Chantauqua a.m. and eve. Don came
                    to chantauqua came home with us.  FB went to lodge.

Entry from diary of Loma Wolf Baker: 
March, 1924
   Sat. 1 Girls all went to the tournament. Lola [Baker] came home at noon. She went to her home 4 p.m. FB went to the lodge, I [Loma Baker] stayed alone. John Griffin died 7 p.m.
   Fri. 7 Blizzardy day roads impassable. MB [Mildred Baker] walked to school [Loon Lake]. Blanche [Baker] went after her eve. I made MB spring coat over.
   Sat. 8 Cloudy. I baked 2 cakes, Angel food & Devil’s food, did other bakeing. FB [Frank Baker] & I went to town with horse and buggy. MB to institute. Saw D.K.[DeWan Killinger]  FB went to lodge eve. MB helped serve super to Engineers – 
   Thurs. 13 Fine day, sunshine. FB went with Clark Nichols to the other place to look at stras a.m. -–Mildred had her hair cut (bobbed) yesterday. Fred Rice went with FB to Mr. Ridenours to buy some cattle. I went to Rices afternoon.
   Sat. 15 Cold wind. FB went to lodge. Jennie, Evelyn & Betty [Kemmerlings] came spent the evening. Mildred went with Erma Shumaker to Ft. Wayne. Mildred came back stayed with Blanche all night. No RFD delivery here.

April 1924
   Thurs. 3 Milder weather, am makeing Mrs. Hosack rug, finished in in eve. Mildred came home this eve, walked. Ollie Benfer the assessor "sessed" us today.
   Sun. 13 At home alone 3 p.m. MB and DK went to LaGrange, missed Rollo-Lola [Baker Walter] and Forest Aldrich’s coming here also. Delores Shank. I went with Kort Kemmerlings to church in the evening to hear Bertha Closson of Japan. Wed. 30 FB plowed. I baked bread, ironed. Don [Essex] here I am careing for Jean Ann [Essex]. FB – I went to Mrs. Harvey Wheaton’s funeral p.m. Lola came in her new Dodge p.m.

May, 1924
   Sun. 11 Mother’s Day. Cora [Baker Essex] , Mildred, Jean Ann, I went to SS and preaching. Blanche/Mack came home with us stayed till eve. Ray D. [Hosack] came after them. MB, DK went away p.m.

June, 1924
   Thurs. 12 Good day Theo. Ritter went to the Ritter reunion at Hudson, Wm Freed died at the dinner table. FB had head ache a.m. halling stone for fense post holes. Cora, Mildred went fishing on Buck lake, caught 35 fish. Lola here we had fish supper. 
   Sat. 14 Very warm. FB worked at fense and plowed potatoes. I did Sat. Work and sewed on Cora’s dress, finished papering stairway all done papering. MB attending Eight Grade County Comencement. Ransberg boy of Pleasant Lake got first prise. Cora mowed lawn p.m.
   Sat. 29 Cool we all went to Crowls to selebrate Pa’s 88 birthday. All the decendence of the Jacob Wolf family were [there] but Don 20 in no. Had fine time. Jean Ann went home with Lola.

August, 1924
   Wed. 6 Very warm. Lola, Mary Lorane Cline came. Blanche, Mack came after Chautauqua all were to the Chautauqua. DeWan went fishing afternoon, here to supper. Leona went with MB to Chautauqua on D.K. tickets. L.W. took FB & I over to Clarence Bakers p.m. also Mary Cline, Jean Ann, girls all at home to dinner. DK took CB, MB in ... to Chautauqua. FB mowed, rained afternoon. 

Submitted By: Joey Pedigo
E-mail: jepedigo@juno.com