Randolph  County,  Indiana  Family  History
Washington  Township


New  Liberty  Christian

Contributed by Gina Richardson, 2004

Tucker History Page 143.
Liberty Chapel.
-(North of Bloomingsport), was built about 1860. Many who had been United Brethren joined the society, some of these having been previously "New Lights." The preachers have been Messrs. Jellison, Brumfield, Coates, I. V. D. R. Johnson, Davenport, King, Kemp. Some of the members have been John Johnson, Strother Brumfield, John Anderson, Curtis Bales, Isaac N. Bales, etc. There is a society, but not very large nor flourishing.

Christian Church, north of Liberty Chapel. -Was built many years ago, as early, perhaps, as 1838. The first preacher was Jesse Brumfield. There was once a good society. After awhile, the "Reformers" and they had a split and the work did not go on. The United Brethren Church supervened at Liberty, and, many years afterward, the "New Lights" again at Liberty, in 1866.

Page 160.
Liberty Chapel (north of Bloomingport).
--The United Brethren used to hold service at Mr. Bales' and elsewhere many years ago. The old Liberty Chapel was built perhaps. as early as 1840. Some of the members were John Johnson, James Abshire, Stacy Rinear, Pleasant Bales, Jesse Mills and others.
The old house went down, and a new house was built by the Christians (New Lights).
The United Brethren have their headquarters for that vicinity now at Bloomingport Several of the United Brethren joined tho New Lights-John Johnson, Pleasant Bales and others of the Baleses. Some of the preachers were William Kendrick and I. V. D. R. Johnson, who now preaches for the New Lights.

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