Randolph County, Indiana
Census Schedules
1850 Mortality Schedule for White River Township
Previous Page 161
SCHEDULE 3 -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1850, in White River Township in the County of Randolph, State of Indiana , enumerated by me, H. H. Neff Ass't Marshal.
NAME OF EVERY PERSON WHO DIED during the Year ending 1st June, 1850, whose Place of Abode at the Time of his Death was in his Family DESCRIPTION PLACE OF BIRTH The Month in which the Person died PROFESSION, OCCUPATION DISEASE
ORNumber of DAYS ILL Line GIVEN, SURNAME Age Sex Color W B M Free or Slave Md or Wd Naming the State, Territory or Country MONTH OR TRADE CAUSE OF DEATH # # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Christina Bloom 49 F M Germany September Abortion Sudden Remarks: Cholera 8, Inflamation of the brain 4, Scarlot Fever 7, Cong of brain 1, Typhoid fever 1, Consumption 1, Lung fever 3, Croup 2, Dropsy 2, Fever 2, Whooping Cough 1, Scalded 2, Cancer 1, Abortion 1, Total 36 1 female
Next Page SCHEDULE 3 -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1850, in White River Township in the County of Randolph, State of Indiana , enumerated by me, H. H. Neff Ass't Marshal.
NAME OF EVERY PERSON WHO DIED during the Year ending 1st June, 1850, whose Place of Abode at the Time of his Death was in his Family DESCRIPTION PLACE OF BIRTH The Month in which the Person died PROFESSION, OCCUPATION DISEASE
ORNumber of DAYS ILL Line GIVEN, SURNAME Age Sex Color W B M Free or Slave Md or Wd Naming the State, Territory or Country MONTH OR TRADE CAUSE OF DEATH # # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 David Thompson 18 M Ind October Farmer Typhoid Fever 11 days 2 Noah Benson 13 M Ohio July Cholera 10 hours 3 John S. Benson 7 M Ind July Cholera 12 hours 4 Mary Hiatt 1 F Ind October Inflamation of Brain 10 days 5 Lucian Bowsman 1 M Ind July Inflamation of Brain 7 days 6 John Hull 84 M M N.J. August Brickmaker Cholera 3 days 7 Phebe Hull 71 F N.J. August Cholera 6 days 8 Ezra Helm 2 M Ind May Fever 5 weeks 9 Moses Johnson 3 M Ind January Scarlet Fever 3 days 10 Paulina Johnson 6 F Ind January Scarlet Fever 4 days 11 Robert R. Johnson 2 M Ind January Scarlet Fever 5 days 12 Permedia Lasley 40 M M Ind February Cancer 2 years 13 Susannah Johnson 6 F Ind January Scarlet Fever 4 days 14 Sovina J. Powell 3m F Ind March Whooping Cough 8 days 15 Amanda Meadows 8 F Ind December Scarlet Fever 4 days 16 Malinda Meadows 3 F Ind December Scarlet Fever 7 days 17 David E. Heaston 37 M M Va July Cholera 5 hours 18 Christina Heaston 25 F W Ohio August Cholera 13 hours 19 Ancil Heaston 1 M Ind August Cholera 2 days 20 Matthew Way 46 M M N.C. August Teamster Cholera 8 hours 21 Benjamin Deboy 3 M Ind October Fever 7 days 22 Rachael Teagle 4 F Ind December Croup 7 days 23 Celia Addington 2m F Ind May Croup 4 days 24 Royston Ford 37 M M Ky February Farmer Congestion of Brain 2 days 25 Mary M. Huffman 24 F M Penn June Dropsy 3 weeks 26 Sarah McPherson 16 F Ohio November Consumption 2 weeks 27 William R. Wright 31 M M Ohio September Farmer Lung Fever 2 weeks 28 Reece W. Wright 38 M M Ohio April Farmer Lung Fever 4 years 29 Joseph McIntire 1 M Penn November Dropsy 5 months 30 Mary McIntire 1 F Penn April Scalded 2 weeks 31 Albert McIntire 3 M Penn April Lung Fever 9 days 32 Lafayette Pingrey 5 M Ind February Scarlet Fever 3 days 33 Martin L. Addington 1m M Ind June Inflamation of Brain 2 days 34 Elizabeth Huffman 6m F Ind September Inflamation of Brain 9 days 35 Elizabeth Willis 4 F Ind December Scalded 6 days Remarks: Cholera prevailed to some extent. Limestone water of superior quality. The timber consists of Poplar, Oak, Maple, Beech, Ash, Walnut, Cherry, Hickory & Elm. Indications of Iron-ore, Total deaths 20 males 15 females
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