Randolph County, Indiana
Green Township
Steubenville Cemetery
also known as
Cherry Grove Cemetery
Steubenville Cemetery is on the east side of State Road 1 at the south side of the Mississinewa River. The old cemetery was started in the 1830's. When the road was straightened, after the covered bridge was gone, it left the cemetery without an access. That has been taken care of at the present time. There is a grassy lane that runs back to the cemetery. Parking is available beside the hitching posts. This cemetery was also called Cherry Grove.
Tucker's History Page 129.
Green Township, Section 13, Town 21, Range 12.)
Benjamin Morris, March 28, 1846, 88 years.
Moses Meek, March 22, 1846, 75 years.
Hannah, wife of Moses Meek, September 1, 1862, 80 years.
William P. Gray, november 7, 1860, 72 years.
Mary, wife of William P. Gray, October 18, 1861, 72 years.
Hannah, wife of John Dull, January 3, 1876, 50 years.
Elizabeth, wife of Zebulon Cantrell, July 2, 1872, 61 years.
A church was built here in early times, but never finished, nor was it ever used for worship.
This in NOT a complete list of burials. Information was taken from Tucker's History, existing tombstones and contributed records. Many of the tombstones in this cemetery are broken or covered with lichen. If you have any additions or corrections, please contactPhyllis Miller Fleming
Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Comments BENNETT Elizabeth August 22, 1877 d/ J.M. & M.E 7m 22d BOOHER Catherine w/John no stone BOOHER Daniel May 13, 1819 1903 84y BOOHER Emma Sarilda April 16, 1885 d/ Henry & Mary J. 6m 13d BOOHER Jacob 1834 February 11, 1882 48y 10m 7d BOOHER John h/Catherine no stone BOOHER Mary February 1823 December 4, 1876 w/ Daniel 53y 10m BOOHER Oren 1885 1887 s/ Levi & Emma 1y 4m 17d BOOHER Oris s/ Levi & Emma twin of Oren BOOHER Susan 1860 d/ Mary Booher 16y no stone BOOHER Susannah April 18, 1818 June 30, 1852 w/ Daniel 34y 2m 12d 2 stones BOOTS Aaron September 4, 1868 46y 5m 10d BOOTS George April 27, 1871 s/ A. & N. 17y 11m 1d BOOTS Mary J. May 9, 1868 d/ Aaron & Nancy CANTRALL Ausley November 20, 1870 s/ G.W. & D.J. 1y 5m 19d CANTRALL Elizabeth July 2, 1872 w/ Zebulon 61y CANTRALL George W. November 30, 1872 37y 5m 9d CANTRALL Infant August 11, 1869 Twin s/ G.W. & D.J 4m 11d CANTRALL Infant August 22, 1881 Twin s/ Francis M. & Mary E. CANTRALL Infant August 22, 1881 Twin d/ Francis M. & Mary E. CANTRALL Infant August 17, 1869 Twin s/ G.W. & D.J 4m 17d CANTRALL John E. January 9, 1873 s/ G.W. & D.J. 7m 17d CANTRALL Zebulon February 14, 1888 79y 11m 11d DEARMOND Margaret J. October 4, 1872 (Gordon) w/ Osro 20y 2m 1d DULL Hannah January 3, 1876 w/ John 50y GANTZ George W. March 7, 1850 s/ J. & Elizabeth 5y 11m 1d GANTZ Sarah R. March 26, 1850 d/ J. & Elizabeth 1y 11m 5d GORDON Catharine August 18, 1891 (Life) w/ Silas T. 62y 18d GORDON Children Children of F.M & L.A No dates GORDON Laura A. September 23, 1896 w/ F.M. 36y 19d GORDON Malissa October 31, 1852 d/ S.T. & C. 11m 16d GORDON Persilla A. July 6, 1870 d/ Wm H. & M.S. 2y 11m 13d GORDON Susan March 30, 1850 w/ Silas T. 32y 5m 10d GORDON Wilbur H. March 13, 1892 April 25, 1896 s/ F.M. & L.A. GORDON William H. 1872 32y GRAY Caroline August 9, 1841 d/ Wm & Mary 20y 8m 28d GRAY Catherine w/ John No dates GRAY Elizabeth A. April 21, 1853 d/ John & Catharine 11y 11m 20d GRAY James Edward July 8, 1860 s/ John & Catharine 17y 5m 11d GRAY John A. March 16, 1888 73y 16d GRAY John W. April 28, 1855 s/ John & Catharine 4y 26d GRAY Mary October 18, 1861 w/ William P. 72y GRAY Mary E. April 11, 1851 d/ Edward & Nancy 10y 11m 19d GRAY Sarah E. July 13, 1849 d/ Edward & Nancy 2y ?m 21d GRAY William P. November 7, 1860 h/ Mary 71y 8m 1d GREEN Ann E. September 20, 1851 d/ L. & M.J. 6y 1d GREEN Granville October 28, 1869 22y 9m 16d GREEN Mary B. June 30, 1857 d/ L. & M.J. 18d GREEN Phebe J. June 2, 1856 d/ L. & M.J. 8m 12d HALL Infant May 8? 1865 d/ Peter & Mary HALL Julia A. January 21, 1870 d/ Peter & Mary 5y 2m 18d HALL Mary November 14, 1877 (Cantrall) w/ Peter 36y 19d HALL Peter KEENER Rebecca January 11, 1856 d/ A.L. & J. 10y 3m 16d KENT Henry September 18, 1851 s/ M. & M. 9m 26d KENT Mary May 18, 1843 w/ Merrill 38y 2m 28d KENT Mary E. March 29, 1839 d/ M. & M. 3m 4d KENT Thomas E. December 31, 1862 s/ M. & M. 22y 4m 22d Co. E 36 Ind Reg LAMB Emmaline May 30, 1871 w/ John 26y 4m 29d LOPER Rebecca J. May 26, 1876 w/ C.P. 42y 9m 24d MEEK Hannah September 1, 1862 w/ Moses 80y 5m 21d MEEK Moses March 22, 1846 75y MILLER Sarah M. August 19, 1860 d/ John & M.A. 1y ?m MORRIS Benjamin March 28, 1846 88y or 82y PHILLIPS Elias April 2, 1866 36y 11m 2d PHILLIPS George December 27, 1870 s/ L & R.J. 14y 5m 1d REEDY Abraham O. November 9, 1879 s/ A. & C. 9d REEDY James E. July 27, 1883 s/ A. & C. 1y 4m 10d REEDY Levi E. July 22, 1873 s/ A. & C. 14d REEDY Samuel F. September 24, 1862 s/ A. & C. 1y 4m 21d REEDY William O. January 26, 1879 s/ A. & C. 10m 16d SLOAN Joseph October 31, 1846 71y SMITH Daniel Webster June 29, 1879 s/ J.A. & Elizabeth 3y 4m 14d SMITH David June 30, 1866 s/ S. & H. 15y 5m 4d SMITH Elizabeth July? 14, 1862 d/ S. & H. 6y SMITH Samuel 1862 25y STEE[?] Elizabeth February 1850 d/ Moses & Elizabeth 10m Stee? WEBB Lycurgus August 27, 1862 s/ A.B. & P.R. 11y 9m 8d WEBB Prudence October 3, 1855 d/ A.B. & P.R. 10m 9d WINSHIP Sarah 1868 w/ W. H. 19y WIRT Elizabeth August 23, 1874 w/ Israel 71y 6m 4d WIRT Israel F. August 9, 1880 73y 2m 27d
Tombstone Photographs
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