Randolph County, Indiana
New Lisbon Cemetery
Located on the southwest corner of the intersection of County Roads 800 East and 550 North.
There is an old and new (1893) section for this cemetery, located on both sides of County Road 800 East.
Some of the stones are written in German.
Tucker's History, Page 127.
New Lisbon (new, Charles Trine, President Lisbon Cemetery Company; 601 lots;
Section 11, town 18, Range 1, across the pike from the Lisbon Church, in Jackson township; recorded October 5, 1875.
Note- The old cemetery is a short distance south of the new one, and on the other (the east) side of the highway.
New Lisbon (Disciples,'Jackson Township, Sections 11 and 12,Town 18, Range 1).
Reading #1
Julia Sutton, October 1, 1849, 55 years.
Cornelius Sutton, born June 20, 1780, and died August 30, 1859, 79 years.
Mary Boles, November 26, 1850, 76 years.
George Debolt, June 20, 1853, 60 years.
Rachel Debolt, December 30, 1861, 65 years.
James Ferrill, October 3, 1854, 72 years.
Elizabeth Ferrill, March 26, 1857, 73 years.
Samuel W. Hughes, January 5, 1856, 72 years.
Rachel Wickersham, September 15, 1855, 70 years.
James Wickersham, October 7, 1873, 93 years.
Rev. Thomas Wiley, September 23, 1862, 52 years.
Rachael Banta, February 6, 1863, 59 years.
David Banta, October 6, 1867, 71 years.
Betsey Lambert, January 26, 1865, 74 years.
Jonathan Lambert, born January 15, 1819, and died September 24, 1869, 71 years.
Andrew Stone, February 2, 1866, 81 years.
Peter Yeiser, March 27, 1867, 65 years.
Mary Yeiser, January 29, 1871, 72 years.
Lucinda Thomson, wife of J. Thomson, October 24, 1876, 64 years.
James Reeves, 1874; old; ten children, six living.
Reading #2
These records were submitted by Researchers and taken from existing tombstones.
This is NOT a complete list of burials
*Photo of tombstone online, contributed by Tim Singleton
ALEXANDER George W. 1857 1840 * SS Martha ALEXANDER Martha A. 1858 1916 * SS George ALMONRODE Acenoth E. 1861 1927 * S.S. as Philip C. ALMONRODE Jennie E. 1894 1975 * S.S. as W. Carl ALMONRODE Philip C. 1861 1916 * S.S. as Acenoth E. ALMONRODE W. Carl 1893 1969 * S.S as Jennie E. BANTA David X October 6, 1867 71 years BANTA Rachael X February 6, 1863 59 years BOLES Mary X November 26, 1850 76 years BOONE Mary Ruth (Davis) March 1866 April 5, 1957 Lot # 334 BOONE William Clinton February 1862 January 23, 1939 Lot # 334 DAVIS Royal Hastings 1833 1921 Lot # 262 DEBOLT George X June 20, 1853 60 years DEBOLT Rachel X December 30, 1861 65 years DENNISTON Anna (Money) X July 11, 1854 * S.S as Joseph DENNISTON Dora S. 1867 1946 * S.S as William C. L. DENNISTON Fannie M. X November, 20, 1872 1 Y 5 M 27 D Daug of A.J & L.A. DENNISTON Flossie M. 1889 1983 * X DENNISTON George Milton August 2, 1881 April 3, 1964 * Lot # 356 S.S as Verda DENNISTON Herschel C. 1910 1969 * S.S. as Lucille C. DENNISTON Joseph X January 31, 1895 * 58 Y 11M 24 D S.S. as Anna DENNISTON Lucille C. 1916 19XX * S.S. as Herschel C. DENNISTON Mary 1886 1992 * S.S. as Virgil DENNISTON William C. L. 1863 1915 * S.S. as Dora S. DENNISTON Verda Mae (Boone) May 25, 1885 March 7, 1942 * Lot # 356 S.S as George DENNISTON Virgil 1886 1928 * S.S. as Mary FERRILL Elizabeth X March 26, 1857 73 years FERRILL James X October 3, 1854 72 years HUGHES Samuel W. X January 5, 1856 72 years ILIFF Effie 1883 1960 * S.S. as Harry ILIFF Harry 1882 1948 * S.S. as Effie KING Edith L. 1920 1926 * Daughters of Marion E. & Mildred E. KING Leah F. 1935 1936 * S.S as Edith L. LAMBERT Betsy X January 26, 1865 74 years LAMBERT Jonathan January 15, 1819 September 24, 1869 71 years McFARLAND Catharine A. X December 27, 1893 * 60 Y 8 M 6 D S.S as James McFARLAND Elijah W. 1856 1936 * S.S. as Melissa J. McFARLAND James X May 12, 1924 * 89 Y 4 M S.S as Catharine A. McFARLAND Martha E. May 1850 1933 * S.S. as Nimrod McFARLAND Matilda D. 1854 1925 * S.S. as Zenas L. McFARLAND Melissa J. 1856 1934 * S.S as Elijah W. McFARLAND Nimrod December 1849 October 1916 * S.S as Martha E. McFARLAND Raymond Gideon X October 15, 1900 *3Y 7 M 27D Son of Elijah & Melissa McFARLAND Zenas L. 1851 1911 * S.S. as Matilda D. MONEY Amanda J. 1858 1941 * S.S. as James D. MONEY James D. 1852 1931 * S.S. as Amanda J. REEVES James X 1874 old; ten children STEWART Anna E. 1872 1953 XXXX STEWART Anna P. 1908 1927 XXXX STEWART Charles O. 1896 1901 XXXX STEWART Clara J. 1873 1908 XXXX STEWART Clark 1839 1923 XXXX STEWART I. Harvey 1871 1960 XXXX STEWART Jason C. 1876 1912 XXXX STEWART John A. 1867 1951 XXXX STEWART Minnie 1874 1953 XXXX STEWART Rufus 1869 1934 XXXX STEWART Sarah A. 1842 1915 XXXX STEWART Sarah C. 1873 1955 XXXX STEWART William D. 1865 1954 XXXX STONE Andrew X February 2, 1866 81 years SUTTON Cornelius June 20, 1780 August 30, 1859 79 years SUTTON Julia X October 1, 1849 55 year TAYLOR Henry X October 25, 1938 Lot # 334 THOMSON Lucinda X October 24, 1876 64 yrs wife of J. Thomson WACHTER Echo L. (Boone)Taylor October 1893 January 3, 1963 Lot # 334 WARREN Dolphin February 5, 1815 March 8, 1903 XXXX WARREN Nancy June 20, 1821 February 18, 1901 XXXX WHITESEL Catharine A. July 3, 1823 April 18, 1866 wife of Tobias WHITESEL Tobias I. September , ???? December 4, 1910 XXXX WICKERSHAM James X October 7, 1873 93 years WICKERSHAM Rachel X September 15, 1855 70 years WILEY Rev. Thomas X September 23, 1862 52 years
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