YOUNT, Sherman - Putnam

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YOUNT, Sherman

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 12, 1918

Sherman Yount, the little son of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Yount, whose unexpected death was noted last week was buried at Union Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, after funeral services at the home of Morton Yount, conducted by Rev. OS Stewart. Among those present from a distance were: Mrs. Gene Britton and son, Arthur of Roachdale; Mrs. Lindsey Britton of Rockville; Mrs. Ollie Snodgrass of Annapolis; Mac Collins of Indianapolis and Mr. & Mrs. HW Yount of Logansport. Mr. Gene Britton, the grandfather, was not able to be present as he is working in the government shipyards at Newport News Va. The little fellow had been sick but a few hours, and his condition was not considered serious enough to call a doctor until 8 on Wednesday evening. He died shortly after 11. He was born at Waveland, Sept 9, 1911. Mr. & Mrs. Morton Yount and the bereaved parents desire to express their appreciation of the kindness and sympathy extended to them by the friends and neighbors. Montgomery County, Indiana
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 5, 1918

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Yount, of Logansport, expected to spend the fourth here with Mr. & Mrs. Mort Yount. Mr. Yount came diectly from his work, expecting that his wife and children would come on the night train, Wed. They did not come, and at 11:30 he received a message that his oldest boy, Sherman, was dead of spinal meningitis. Mort and Harry Yount and Miss Nettie Yount went to Logansport on the morning train, yesterday.
Source: The Logansport Pharos-Tribune - Saturday 6 July 1918 p 3

The remains of Sherman Thomas Yount, the six-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yount were taken to Waveland, Indiana, for funeral and interment yesterday via the Vandalia.

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