YORK, Raymond G. - Putnam

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YORK, Raymond G.


Source: Roachdale Times newspaper, Roachdale, Putnam County, Indiana 8/16/1939

Raymond G. "Tige" York, rural mail carrier on route 1 out of Roachdale post office, died at the county hospital in Greencastle early Monday morning from injuries suffered when his automobile was in a collision with one driven by Thomas Bartholomew at a cross roads three miles southwest of here Saturday morning. Mr. York was severely injured about the head and upper body and despite opinions of physicians that he had no chance, he lived over 36 hours after the accident. Mr. Bartholomew was cut and bruised about the knees and escaped serious injury. Mr. York was one his way back to the post office and was traveling north as he approached what is known as Pisgah corner. Mr. Bartholmew was eastbound on what is called Toll Gate road. Mr. York, who was very well known in this community, came here in June 1934, from Clayton to take the place of Clarence Rice who retired. Since that time he had carried the mail on route 1. Funeral services were held at the Clayton Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon and were conducted by the Clayton Masonic lodge, of which he was a member. Mr. York was 48 years of age. Surviving are his mother, a sister, three brothers, a son Richard of Clayton and a daughter Betty of this place.   --- thanks so much to Marilyn Walker for sharing her obit collection.

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