YEAGLEY, H.T. Stillwagon - Putnam

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YEAGLEY, H.T. Stillwagon

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 19 February 1894
Mrs. Daniel W. Yeagley died yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock of blood poisoning at her home on South Washington Street. The funeral will occur tomorrow from the residence at 2:30 p.m., Revs. Fuson and Tucker officiating. Interment will be at Oak Hill Cemetery.  Her maiden name was H. T. Stillwagon and she was born in Connellsville, Pa., March 17, 1834. She removed with her parents to Greencastle in 1847, where she married D. W. Yeagley in 1853. After a few years’ residence in Putnam County they removed to Ladoga where they resided 27 years, coming to Crawfordsville in 1882 where they have since resided. The deceased joined the Baptist Church in 1858 at Ladoga and was a consistent member of that church the balance of her life. She was afflicted sadly the last twenty years of her life but was a kind mother and affectionate wife. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. - s

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