WILSON, Michael Tillman
Source: Edmond Oklahoma Enterprise Thursday Dec 13, 1923
p 1
Michael Tillman Wilson was born near Greencastle, Indiana July 21, 1851 died at Edmond, Oklahoma Dec 9, 1923. Buried in Gracelawn cemetery Dec 10, 1923. Mr. Wilson united with the Baptist Church when 21 years old and has kept the Faith of Jesus Christ these many years. He was united in marriage to Mary Alice Pickett, March 4, 1884. To this union were born four children, two of whom survive; Vern O. of Stillwater and Pearl Marie who is with her mother in Edmond. Mr. Wilson came of old English stock his father being an early pioneer settler in Indiana, having come across from North Carolina. Two brothers, Joe Lane Wilson and Weden I. Wilson and one sister, Amanda Webster all residing near their old home in Indiana. Mr. Wilson’s many friends will miss him, his sunny, jovial manner and cheerful disposition. As a husband and father, enough cannot be said. His life was an inspiration; ever kind and inspiring and one can truly say, a true friend, not only to his family but to the entire community. He was an ideal citizen and a great Christian example. – kbz