WEST, Charles Franklin - WWII - KIA
Source: Indianapolis Times 28 July 1944 p 2
Pfc. Charles Franklin West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West, 22 S. Addison St was killed June 22 on Saipan. He was with an amphibious tank division and had been in the Pacific 17 months. Pvt West was 22 and a graduate of Washington HS. A former employee of the Link-Belt Co, he entered the service Sept 8, 1942. His parents received notification of his death July 14 and about a week later received a picture of their son, one that he had had taken in Hawaii last February. Pvt. West was born in Fillmore but had lived in Indianapolis since he was 5. Survivors besides the parents include two sister, Anita Jane and Betty and a brother, Robert all of Indianapolis.