VINZANT, Mattie - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Star 4 Sept 1880 p 1
Died, Mattie and Addie Vinzant, only daughters of Dudley and Jess Vinzant.  They both died of diphtheria. Mattie died Aug 21, 1880, only having been sick a little over a week, aged 10 years 2 months and 7 days. Addie died August 26, 1880, after an illness of six days. Aged 8 years. They were two of the nicest little girls in our town and will be greatly missed, especially in the Sunday School bot of their classes and in singing. It seems that it is more than we should have to bear and it is with sorrow we say, “Thy will be done.”  Mrs. Vinzant and their only remaining child, Charley have both had diphtheria also but are getting along nicely at this writing. The family have the deepest sympathy of all their friends and neighbors but the sympathy of friends can never fill the vacancy in their hearts. As Charlie is the only child left we hope he will live on that he will be a comfort to his parents. And that when death comes he can say as Addie did, “I am going to see Mattie.” To the parents we would say: Parents, were and your children both have fought the fight; the victory’s won and now they live in Heavenly joy and wait to greet their parents home. AK
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