VERMILION, Willis - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Star Press, 3 August 1895 p 1

On Sunday July 28, after a long sickness, Willis Vermilion, son of John Vermilion and wife of Jefferson Township, died of lung disease, aged 23 Years 8 Months and 4 Days. The funeral which was largely attended, took place on Monday, Elder Williams conducting the funeral services burial at Providence Church.

Source: Greencastle Banner & Times 30 July 1895 p 3

Again it has pleased the Almight and Allwise God to take from us a beloved and honored friend. Willis Vermilion was born Nov 24, 1871 and departed this life 15 minutes before 1 p.m. July 28, 1895, age 23 years 8 months and 4 days. The deceased was of a modest, retiring, generous disposition and enjoyed the love and respect of all his relatives and friends. He was kind and genial to all. But few have lived as near a model life as Willis.  He passed away as quietly and peacefully as the setting sun.  He leaves a father, mother, three brothers, three sisters and friends to mourn his departure. He will be sadly missed in the community.

Funeral services were conducted at his father's residence by Rev. Williams, after which his remains were laid peacefully to rest in the Providence Cemetery 29 July 1895.

In the graveyard calmly sleeping
 Lies our beloved still and cold,
But his spirit angels wafted
 To the tender shepherd's fold.

Savior grant us each a blessing
 That when life with us is o'er
We may meet this sainted brother
 On that bright and peaceful shore .... A Friend

Source: Greencastle Democrat 28 Dec 1895

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Putnam County Teachers' Association ...
Resolved: That we recognize the power of the Omnipotent Hand in the removal of our friend and fellow teacher, Willis Vermilion.  
Resolved: That while father, mother, brothers and sisters and we as fellow teachers are made to mourn his loss, we should remember that our loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved: That, while the family circle has lost a bright and shining light that we are made to realize that one has been taken from our ranks who was in close touch with his fellow teachers and strove to further the advancement of his profession but is today under the guidance of the Great Teacher who teaches as man hath never taught ... Cyrena Brothers, Chairman Committee
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