SUTHERLIN, Lucy Gentry Shackleford
Source: Roachdale Times newspaper, Roachdale, Putnam County, Indiana 7/28/1938
Mrs. Lucy Gentry Sutherlin, 65, died Tuesday morning at her home near here. She was born September 12, 1872 in Montgomery County, Indiana, the daughter of John and Louisa Alnut Shackelford. She married November 20, 1895 to Samuel Sutherlin. Besides the husband, she is survived by daughters; Mrs. Ella Long, near Ladoga, Mrs. Homer Damewood of Ladoga, and Mrs. Bertha White of this place; two sons; Virgil of Roachdale and Talbot at home, two brothers; Daniel and Thomas Shackelford of Roachdale, and nineteen grandchildren. Funeral services were held this afternoon with burial in Ladoga cemetery --- thanks so much to Marilyn Walker for donating her wonderful Roachdale Times obituary file for use on this site.