STEEG, David B.
Source: Kansas City Star Sat 2 Sept 1950 p 2
David B. Steeg, retired district passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad, died last night at the home, 3911 Charlotte Street. The veteran railroad man had been with the Pennsylvania line 50 years. He first became associated with the Terr Haute & Indianapolis railroad as a telegraph operator in his home town of Limedale, Ind. After that he became local agent and then travelling passenger agent at Terre Haute, Ind. He came here in 1906 after the TH&I had merged with the Pennsylvania railroad. Mr. Steeg was district passenger agent here 20 years. He retired Jan 1, 1940. He formerly was president of the American Association of Traveling Passenger Agents and of the Kansas City Passenger Agents Association. He was a Mason, Shriner and a Jester and had served as chairman of the board of ushers and deacons at the old Linwood Boulevard Christian Church and was a member of the Traffic Club of Kansas City. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Etta Mason Steeg and a daughter, Miss Helen Christie Steeg, both of the home. - kbz
NOTE: Helen was born in Putnam County 18 Jan 1903