RAINES, Lutitia - Putnam

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RAINES, Lutitia

Source: Greencastle Herald, 14 May 1914 p 1

Mrs. Lutitia RAINES, one of the aged and best known resident of the county died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Dorsett who resides south of Belle Union Thursday morning at 8 o’clock. Her death resulted from an injury received in a fall several weeks ago. The deceased was 85 years old. Mrs. Raines fell and suffered a broken hip at the home of Mrs. Dorsett several days ago. The injury was the direct cause of her death although she had suffered from general debility for several weeks. She is survived by six children: three sons, George Raines and Arthur Raines of Marion Township; Albert Raines of this city; three daughters: Mrs. Henry Dorsett of Belle Union, Mrs. JA Welch of Danville, Ill and Mrs. Frank Allee of this city. The funeral will be held at the Fillmore Christian Church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock Rev. WE Gill of Cloverdale will conduct the services. The interment will be in Old Union cemetery northwest of Fillmore. – kbz

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