PRIEST, Henry C, - Putnam

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PRIEST, Henry C,

Source: Greencastle Banner 21 Nov 1872 p 3

Among the proceedings of the Putnam Court of Common Pleas, at its October term, 1872, had on Wednesday the 13th day of November last, is the following in relation to the decease of Dr. HC Priest, late Clerk of Putnam Circuit Court, viz: On motion of Jonathan Birch, Esq prefaced by appropriate remarks, it was ordered by the Court that the following resolutions be spread upon the order book of this Court that a copy of the same be presented to the Banner and Press for publication and that a certified copy thereof be also presented to the family of the deceased: The undersigned committees, appointed by the members of the Greencastle Bar to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the Bar and officers of the Court, on account of the death of Dr. Henry C. Priest, late Clerk of the Putnam Circuit Court present the following:  1st – We deeply deplore the sad event by which our departed friend was in the prime of life, so suddenly taken from our midst and we hereby tender to the family of the deceased our warmest sympathies in this sad hour of bereavement. 2nd – Having been intimately associated with the deceased in both his public and private relations, we recall with pleasure and will ever hold in memory his many excellent qualities of head and heart; as a friend, he was kind, generous and true; as a public officer, he was obliging, honest, capable and efficient.  3rd -  By this sad event we are again reminded “that in the midst of life, we are in death,” that we have no continuing; and as one by one of our associates fall around us, we recognize the importance of the admonition, “Be ye also ready.”  4th- That a copy of the foregoing be presented to the family of the deceased; that the same be published in the Greencastle Banner and Indiana Press; and that the Honorable Judge of the Common Please Court of Putnam County, be requested to cause the same to be spread upon the records of said court.  Willis G. Neff, Jonathan Birch, Tavin C. Grooms, Committee.

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