PERKINS, Lurie Johnson - Putnam

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PERKINS, Lurie Johnson


Source: Roachdale Times newspaper, Roachdale, Putnam County, Indiana 11/14/1940

Funeral services were held at the Chastain funeral home Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Lurie Perkins, 81, who died at Culver hospital, Crawfordsville, Sunday afternoon. She had been a patient at the hospital since early October when she suffered the fracture of a hip in a fall. Death was attributed to complications and the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Perkins was born March 2, 1859, near here, the daughter of William and Emily Wright Johnson. She was married September 8, 1892, to Elam Perkins. They moved to Sedgwick, Kansas, where Mr. Perkins died July 3, 1936, and soon after she returned to make her home here. She was a member of the Baptist church. Survivors include a sister Mrs. Matilda Jeffries of this place and three step-children; Mary Perkins of Riverside, California, Ivy Perkins of South Dakota and Charles Perkins of Earl Park. Burial was made in Roachdale cemetery.   --- thanks so much to Marilyn Walker for donating her wonderful Roachdale Times obituary file for use on this site

Source: Roachdale Times newspaper, Roachdale, Putnam County, Indiana 11/21/1940

Lurie Perkins, daughter of William and Emily Wright Johnston, was born near Roachdale, Indiana, March 2, 1859, and passed away Sunday November 10, 1940, at Culver hospital in Crawfordsville, Indiana, at the age of 81 years, 8 months and 8 days. She was united in marriage to Elem Perkins of New Maysville on September 18, 1892, where they resided about 19 years before leaving for the West, where they lived until the death of Mr. Perkins July 3, 1936. After his passing she returned to this community to be near her relatives. She was a member of the Baptist church for many years and lived a quiet Christian life. She leaves to cherish her memory one sister, Matilda Jeffries of Roachdale; three stepchildren; Mary Perkins of Riverside, California, Ivy Perkins of South Dakota and Charles Perkins of Earl Park, Indiana, several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.   --- thanks so much to Marilyn Walker for donating her wonderful Roachdale Times obituary file for use on this site

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