PEFLEY, John F. - Putnam

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Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Saturday, November 4, 1922

John F. Pefley, 73, died at his home at the Booth ranch at Dillard, Oregon, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 15, following a stroke of apoplexy. He was born at Ladoga, June 26, 1849, and married Margaret Ann Frankenberger of Ladoga, Oct. 4, 1871. They resided on a farm, Mr. Pefley's birthplace, from the date of their marriage until October 1907, when they moved to Medford, Ore., where they remained until April 1909, at which time they located on a ranch near Myrtle Creek, Ore. About four and one-half years ago they moved to Portland where they lived until June 16, 1922, when Mrs. Pefley died. Since that date Mr. Pefley had been living with his daughter on the Booth ranch. On Friday, Mr. Pefley was stricken with apoplexy, remaining unconscious until 3:20 Sunday afternoon when he passed away. He is survived by two children, Mrs. O.W. Ronk of Dillard, Ore., and Dr. Claude Pefley of Portland, Ore., and four grandchildren. - kbz
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