PARR, Mary J. - Putnam

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PARR, Mary J.

Source: Greencastle Star Press, 20 Feb 1892 p 2

Died Feb 5, 1892, Mary J. Parr, aged 57 years. She departed this life with a fond hope of a home above; she had been a sufferer for 3 years with cancer of the breast; during all this time she never murmured save to say all was well with God. Cords so dear as these are trying to be broken – this is one secret thing with God; why the Lord should lend us objects of affection and as the cords strengthen they are torn asunder. May He who has done it enable the dear relatives to submit to this trying sorrow; may they realize that this world is not our home and that their loved one is now breathing the pure air not contaminated by sin. It seems so hard that one we love so dear should be called away never more to mingle with loved ones on earth. Death loves a shining mark. – kbz

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