PAIRE, James - Putnam

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PAIRE, James

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, Aug 20, 1898 p 4

James Paire, Crawfordsville's oldest citizen, passed away at an early hour Friday at his home on East Market Steet. On Friday last he celebrated his 95th birthday and until within the past few months Mr. Paire enjoyed the distinction of being the best preserved man, for his age in this part of the country. Indeed it is doubtful if a nonagenarian, his equal in activity and endurance, could have been found anywhere. Regular habits and an active, outdoor existence were responsible for the 25 years that were granted him over and above man's alloted time. His boast was that he had never used tobacco or intoxicants in any form. His faculties were unimpaired and contrary to the rule it may be said of Mr. Paire that he enjoyed and improved all his overtime. The deceased was famous for his wonderful vitality and powers of endurance. Having spent the best days of his life at hard labor he was unwilling to give it up in later years and up until last fall could be found almost any day digging a cistern, shingling a roof or working on the street with a shovel and doing as much and as good work as any of his colleagues. James Paire was born in PA August 5, 1803 but removed at an early age to Tennessee where he was raised. He came to this county when Crawfordsville was but an insignificant village and the surrounding country as unbroken wilderness. His first glimpse of this city was in passing through to Illinois wher ehe lived for several years. From there he went to Terre Haute for a short time and 61 years ago became a resident of Crawfordsville. Before leaving the south he was married to Sarah Hogue and to them were born five children, three are still living: Rufus T. and Albert L of this city and Mrs. Vesta Dicks, of Fillmore Putnam County. His second marriage occurred in this city his wife's maiden name Mary Ann Clements. She survives. Mr. Paire was not a member of any church but was God fearing man and strictly honorable and upright in his every day life and in all his dealings. He believed in giving value for value received and lived up to it in his daily life until a few months ago when the infirmaties of age compelled him to give up active service. -s

Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 Aug 1898 p 1

James Paire, Crawfordsville’s oldest citizen is reported as dying today at his residence on East Market street. Mr Paire was 95 years of age yesterday.  He has been distinguished for years for his wonderful physical power and vitality. He has been a constant day laborer up to within a few weeks, notwithstanding his great age. Less than two years ago the winter of 97 he assisted at the Martin ice house at the hard work demanded in putting up ice and seemed to stand the labor as well as any other there. -s

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 19 August 1898 p 5

Last Friday at his home on East Market street, James Paire, aged 95 years died. He had been at the point of death for several days and the end came to him as a relief. The funeral occurred on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Cole of the Episcopal Church and interment took place at the Masonic cemetery. James Paire was born in Pennsylvania in August 1803, but went while quite young with his parents to Tennessee where he grew to manhood. 64 years ago he came to this part of the county and after a short residence in Illinois moved to Terre Haute. 61 years ago he moved to this city and resided here until his death. He was twice married. His first wife was a Miss Hogue and to them three children were born, Rufus and Albert of this place and Mrs. Vesta Dix of Fillmore. Mr. Paire’s second wife was Miss Mary Ann Clements who survives him. No children were born to them. Mr. Paire was one of the best known citizens of the county and was respected as an honest and industrious man. He maintained his physical powers until within a few months ago and his mental powers to the last. On his 94th birthday he was capable of performing a day’s manual labor. -d
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