OWENS, James - 1908 - Putnam

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OWENS, James - 1908

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 26 June 1908 p 3c 4

The funeral of the late James Owens was held at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon at Masonic Temple, conducted by the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias Lodges to both of which Mr. Owens belonged.  Each lodge gave its beautiful ritualistic service, the Odd Fellows giving their service first, followed by the Knights of Pythias.  There was no officiating minister. The casket was place in the center of the hall at the Temple and in reciting the services, the members of the lodges stood about the casket.  Numerous beautiful floral tributes were banked about the casket. Interment occurred at Oak Hill.  The pall bearers were PC Somerville, Charles Goltra, , John B. Rice, WW Washburn and WK Martin, all officials or employees of the Citizens National Bank.- kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 26 June 1908 p 3c5

The funeral of James Owens, who died at his home 225 S Washington Street Friday afternoon will be held at the Masonic Temple Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The services will be in charge of the Knights of Pythias, Masons and Odd Fellows to all of which orders Mr. Owens belonged.  Mr. Owens was a native of Ohio, having been born in that state Oct 17, 1825.  Had he lived until next October he would have been 83 years of age.  He was married to Laura B. Gilkey of Greencastle in Dec 1864 and came here to Crawfordsville immediately afterward to reside.  He has lived here continuously ever since. - kbz

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