OLIVER, R.S. - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Herald 26 Dec 1907 p 3

Whereas it has pleased God to call our worthy Bro. RS Oliver from his earthly home to his heavenly one above removing from his wife a devoted husband and from our midst a cherished brother and friend, therefore, be it Resolved that although we deeply mourn his loss, we will strive to emulate his good example as a true man, also extend to his bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in this and affliction, commending them to God for hope and comfort; and be it further Resolved that a copy of these resolutions he furnished the bereaved family a copy of these resolutions be furnished the bereaved family, a copy be spread upon the records of the Fillmore Lodge No 798 and a copy furnished the County paper for publication.   Alex Bryan -  John Carroll – Emerson Ruark – committee

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